1. Open the crack directory and edit the ansys.dat file. Change host to your computer
name and 00000000000 to your computer hostid and save the file. Run the keygen.bat
file which will create a license.dat
2. Run setup and install all options and Install the license server as a single server.
When prompted for a license file point the browser to the license.dat created in
step 1.
3. Set the environment:
ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE = 1055@host (host being your computer name)
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只看楼主 我来说两句回复 举报
1. Open the crack directory and edit the ansys.dat file. Change host to your computer
name and 00000000000 to your computer hostid and save the file. Run the keygen.bat
file which will create a license.dat
2. Run setup and install all options and Install the license server as a single server.
When prompted for a license file point the browser to the license.dat created in
step 1.
3. Set the environment:
ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE = 1055@host (host being your computer name)
4. Reboot.
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