土木在线论坛 \ 园林景观 \ 景观规划设计 \ 法国索恩河畔公园设计 / in situ 利用得天独厚的场地优势

法国索恩河畔公园设计 / in situ 利用得天独厚的场地优势

发布于:2017-09-04 16:17:04 来自:园林景观/景观规划设计 [复制转发]
法国索恩河畔公园设计 / in situ 利用得天独厚的场地优势,寥寥几笔便凸显出空间独特氛围。


The Rochetaillée site is exceptional for several reasons : it borders the river Saône on its left bank for over two kilometers and follows a generous convex curb. Thanks to this, these shores are not subjected to violent currents and the location creates a landscape which opens up to the horizon and offers multiple points of view (Monts d’Or, Couzon quarry).

↓↓ 滨河步道,riverside walkway

↓↓ 通向河畔的小路,Steps and path to the shores

索恩河岸公园项目将沿着索恩河畔延伸,连接起小镇Rochetaillée与其邻侧的大城市里昂。项目被划分为若干个段落,由In situ所负责的区域得天独厚,不仅河岸地势开阔,同时也有着河湾地段所独有的多变朝向,与其下游单调的南北系列截然不同。

The project of the Saône riverbanks encompasses the river from the town Rochetaillée to its greater neighbour, Lyon. In the sequence of the project for which our team was selected, the shores are the widest and the orientation is West-South-West rather than North-South as is the case further down the river.

↓↓ 总平面图,site plan

In situ的设计寥寥几笔,便凸显出空间自有的独特氛围。他们修复了被洪水所冲垮了河岸空间,在索恩河沿岸打造了一片如同绿色沙滩般的开阔草地。无论是熙熙攘攘的公众活动、露天音乐会抑或多样化的艺术表演都可以在此进行。清新的空气,轻抚的微风、开阔的视野、成荫的绿树、点缀在草地之上的野餐桌椅以及躺椅吸引了络绎不绝的游人。沿着河岸延伸、层次分明的路网为行人与骑行者留出了各自的空间,而不时出现的室外咖啡厅则提供了短暂停留的休息点。

The design is extremely simple. We have mainly worked on earthworks in order to strengthen the flood-damaged banks and to reveal a broad prairie, a green beach for the Saône. This generous space can host events, concerts and various performances. Here we have recovered air, wind, the horizon, trees and modest facilities: picnic tables and wide lounge benches for the afternoon nap. The popular ‘guinguettes’ which are open-air cafés, punctuate the long walk along the river where pedestrians and bicycles have found their rightful place.

↓↓ 层次分明的路网,The ‘guinguettes’ sequence

↓↓ 躺椅的形态呼应着起伏的地势,lounge benches follow the landscape’s curves

↓↓ 茂盛的丛林,the undergrowth

而由Le Gentil Garçon, Didier Fiuza Faustino, Lang & Baumann et Tadashi Kawamata为公园量身定制的四件艺术作品则散落在公园之中。

Four works of art have been designed specifically for the site by artists with whom we have collaborated: Le Gentil Garçon, Didier Fiuza Faustino, Lang & Baumann et Tadashi Kawamata.

↓↓ 河畔的眺望点,Lan & Bauman的艺术作品,view point along the river,work of art by Lan & Bauman

↓↓ 艺术家Tadashi Kawabata创作的小树屋,Work of art by Tadashi Kawamata

↓↓ 河岸处理模式,riverbank plan and section

Period of design: 2011
Period of implementation: 2012-2013
Area: 6 Ha
Cost: 7 M

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  • duanjjxj
    duanjjxj 沙发
    2017-10-12 11:31:12

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    xgcg 板凳
    2017-10-09 09:05:09

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韩国Common Ground娱乐街

位于首尔东部的建国大学附近繁华街的“COMMONGROUND”,于2015年4月正式开始营业。是韩国第一家大型集装箱商场。由200个大型集装箱打造的“COMMONGROUND”总占地面积为5,280平方米,是世界规模最大的集装箱商场。项目名称:韩国Common Ground娱乐街 项目地点:韩国首尔 项目单价:¥100/㎡ 建成年份:2015年之前 项目类型:商业 风格:现代 总占地面积:5280㎡ 发布日期:2017-06-01


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