土木在线论坛 \ 环保工程 \ 规范资料 \ 环境专业方向名称清单(英文)(一)


发布于:2007-12-20 18:02:20 来自:环保工程/规范资料 [复制转发]

1. Adv materials & nanotechnology
2. Advanced Concrete Technology
3. Advanced Materials for Infrastructure
4. Aerosol Science & Technology
5. Agricultural Hydrology
6. Air Pollution
7. Air Pollution & Air Quality Modeling
8. Air Pollution Control
9. Air Pollution Control/Atmospheric Resources
10. Air Quality
11. Air Quality & Pollution Control
12. Air and Water Pollution
13. Air and Water Quality Engineering
14. Air and water quality
15. Air pollution meteorology
16. Air quality engineering
17. Air, Water, Waste issues
18. Airborne Meteorological Sensing
19. Aircraft Icing
20. Aircraft guidance,control,handling qual.,human pilot modelin
21. Alternate fuels and Vehicles
22. Analysis & Control of Water Quality
23. Applied Climatology & Forecasting
24. Applied mechanics
25. Aquatic Chemistry
26. Aqueous geochemistry and bioremediation
27. Architectural Engineering
28. Architecture and Engineering
29. Arctic
30. Atmospheric Boundary Layer
31. Atmospheric Chemistry
32. Atmospheric Chemistry & Air Pollution Control
33. Atmospheric Chemistry and Environmental Quality
34. Atmospheric chemistry of trace gases
35. BioEngineering
36. Biochemical Cycling
37. Bioengineering
38. Bioenvironmental
39. Bioenvironmental Engineering
40. Biogeochemistry
41. Biological engineering
42. Biological systems engineering
43. Bioprocess Engineering
44. Bioremediation
45. Bioremediation & Environmental Systems
46. Bioremediation of Contaminants
47. Biotechnology & Biochemical Engineering
48. Bridge Design, project management
49. Bridge inspection
50. Building Environment/Building Systems
51. Building Environmental Systems
52. Building Structural Systems
53. Building design
54. Building systems
55. CEE Systems
56. Catalysis and Surface Chemistry
57. Cell and Tissue Engineering
58. Characterization, Fate and Transport of Contaminants
59. Chemical Kinetics
60. Chemical and Biological Processes
61. Chemical/Physical /Microbiological Methods for Remediation
62. Civil Engineering
63. Civil Infrastructure Systems
64. Clean Air
65. Climate System
66. Cloud Physics
67. Coastal Structures and Processes.
68. Coastal Waves and Current Modeling Systems
69. Coastal and ocean engineering
70. Coastal engr. and hydraulic engr./water resources engr.
71. CombustionGenerated Air Pollutants
72. Comp. structural mech. & aeroelasticity of comp. materials
73. Composite Materials
74. Composite Materials and Structures
75. CompositesMechanics
76. Computational Mechanics
77. Computational fluid dynamics and process modeling control
78. Computer Aided Design
79. Computer Aided Engineering
80. Concrete
81. Constructed Wetlands Design
82. Construction
83. Construction & Structural Engineering
84. Construction Eng. and Management
85. Construction Engineering & Management
86. Construction Engineering Integration and Management and Automati
87. Construction Engineering Management
88. Construction Engineering and Management
89. Construction Engineering and Project Management
90. Construction Management
91. Construction Management and Sustainability
92. Construction Project Management
93. Construction engineering
94. Construction in Engineering
95. Construction management and applied information technology
96. Construction materials and byproducts
97. Contaminant Transport and Transformations
98. Contaminant characterization/fate/transport
99. Contaminant transport and fate
100. Convection Initiation

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  • hxlxsy
    hxlxsy 沙发
    2009-03-13 12:06:13

    回复 举报
  • xu.guohui163
    xu.guohui163 板凳
    2008-08-04 14:46:04

    回复 举报



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