艾依河公园位于银川市金凤区东北部,与新城区毗邻。 Situated in Northeast part of Jinfeng District in Yinchuan city,the Aiyi River Waterfront Park is adjacent to the new area of the city. |
优美的滨水空间是每位市民理想的休闲空间,艾依河正是人们梦寐以求的地方。 It is every city’s dream to have a beautiful waterfront. You cannot find a more perfect setting than the Aiyi River to realize such a dream. |
然而,令人苦恼的是这个滨水区(改造前)的环境非常差,不仅与城市水系断开,而且不能解决城市带来的环境问题。此外,在这个滨水景观的设计中,没有多样化的专题或项目的经验可以参考。在人们看来,现今存在的区域是碍眼的。它几乎没有完整的规划,并且被简单地当做基础设施,这样的设施无法增强城市的影响力。 However, the distressing fact is that the existing waterfront is poorly-made and, not only divides the water from the city, but also fails to solve the environmental problems of the city. In addition, there is no diversified special or activity experience offered in the waterfront landscape. The current area exists as an eye-sore. It began as single-minded approach with no positioning strategy for the waterfront. It was not well-planned at all as it is treated simply as supportive facility which fails to contribute to the enhancement of the city’s influence. |
设计理念 作为解决方法,这个设计概念关注三方面:结合城市的地方特色,重视生态和强调低碳消费,以及提供和关注人们的需求。这个概念的目的是通过打造绿色的山体和清澈的河流,营造一种仙境般的体验。 Design concept: As a solution, the proposed design concept focused on three objectives: integrating the city’s local features and character into design, putting an emphasis on ecology and a green approach by stressing low carbon consumption, and providing and caring for human needs. The concept aims to produce a wonderland-like experience by featuring breathtaking green mountains and clear rivers. |
该地区位于中国西北部最具有影响力的城市中轴线上。正因为如此,该设计的强大影响力就是展现了银川的魅力和品味。该区域还有个显著的特点是立足场地空间的落差,结合银川生态立市、塞上湖城的城市定位,打破绿化隔离的客观存在,缩小城市与亲水之间的距离。 The area hosts the most influential urban axis in the Northwest part of China. Because of this exposure, a strong influence in the design is to present Yinchuan’s charm and taste. An added bonus to the site is its dramatic level differences which are fully utilized to create spectacular urban spaces around the central part of the city. |
城市和滨水空间的距离非常大,它考验了设计师如何削减其间的距离。蜿蜒的波浪形人行道设计使城市和滨水区之间的关系更加紧密。通过打破僵化的景观线,暗示了河流的流动性和提高水的可体验性,并营建了一个更加有机和天然的环境。通过创造不同的俯瞰河景的空间序列,把这个生态滨水意象表象得淋漓尽致。 The distance between the city and the riverfront is considerable, challenging the designers to devise a way to close this gap. Designing pedestrian walkways in a serpentine, wave like pattern brings the city and the waterfront closer together at regular intervals. It also alludes to the fluid motion of the river and enhances the water experience as well as creating a more organic and natural experience by breaking the rigid landscape line. A vivid eco waterfront image is produced by creating a variety of spatial sequences overlooking the river. |
社会意义 毕路德“银川艾依河滨水景观公园”规划方案,立意于银川的发展和传统文化的结合,采用较为抽象的手法来表达主题设计理念。创造先进的设计体验及优越的城市形象,营造一条视觉享受和生态休闲的记忆性景观地标。 Social significance The planning of the waterfront park is intended to incorporate the development of Yinchuan and its traditional culture through abstract expression. Using organic patterns and creativity, this area is sculpted to deliver a delightful and memorable recreational experience. |
这个滨水公园将作为一个标志性景观,营造一条视觉享受和生态休闲的记忆性景观地标,把爱伊河滨水景观公园打造成中国西北地区最具影响力城市轴线,形成银川面向世界的形象窗口与大气连贯、视觉冲击力强的城市景观新形象。 This waterfront park will serve as a landscape landmark, offering visual enjoyment and eco recreation. It will also become the most influential urban axis in Northwestern part of China, a splendid image of strong visual impact for Yinchuan to show to the outside world. |
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2013北京设计周,数字实验室作品“秋叶”展示图本帖最后由 hehy_82327 于 2015-9-17 23:26 编辑 “秋叶”是由参加2013北京设计周的数字实验室的学生们设计并组装的,这是一个空间装置的设计。这个装置被放置在了北京的一处富有历史感的胡同里,“秋叶”想要强调进入大栅栏工厂的入口空间,将其原有的空间与同学们的设计创新融合在一起。设计的概念源于自然的季节更替。随着气温一天天降下去,秋天渐渐离去,进入冬天,树木开始掉落他们的叶子,“秋叶”的设计是希望能够唤起经过这里的人们对季节更替的回忆。
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