America Ford Models Beauty institution
室内设计:Art Deco
1946年, Eileen和Jerry Ford,在他们纽约的家中创办了Ford Models Agency,这是一种全新的全球美容机构概念店,这个店的创立也给这个行业增加了一个全新的子目录。从那时开始,这个店就已经成为了全世界美容行业店面的装修标准。这毫不奇怪,以全球奢侈品文化为基础,再加上Art Deco设计团队的高标准审美,加之其是在纽约57大街Warren and Wetmore大楼这一特殊的地理位置,这一切共同勾勒出这间面积5000平方英尺的,室内装修令人啧啧称奇的Ford Models Agency美容机构总部。
管理层办公室的三面墙壁全部是通透的玻璃墙,还带着开放式的阳台,人们可以在这个洒满阳光的地方俯瞰外面壮观的景色。众所周知,在新与旧之间找到平衡,这本身就不容易,但是Rafael de Gardenas 建筑设计团队,尽力在许多细节上处理的优雅而自信。因此,他们打造的这个 Ford Models Agency,才能一直得到人们的认同和喜爱。
When Eileen and Jerry Ford established Ford Models Agency in their New York City home in 1946, they created a new kind of global beauty agency concept, and an entirely new business category. Since then, the agency has been the benchmark establishment for all others in the business of beauty.It is not surprising, that this culture of global luxury, plus the heritage of the Art Deco style Warren and Wetmore building on New York’s 57th Street, formed the foundation for the stunning design for Ford Models Women’s Division’s 5000 square-foot (464.5 square metre) penthouse headquarters.
Executive offices are located in a three-sided solarium with open terraces and spectacular views as special features.The harmonious balance of old and modern is always difficult to achieve, but Rafael de Gardenas Architecture at Large has managed to do it graciously and confidently on many occasions. So far, their work in Ford Models Agency remains our favorite.
美国Ford Models美容机构室内实景图
美国Ford Models美容机构室内实景图
美国Ford Models美容机构室内实景图
美国Ford Models美容机构室内实景图
美国Ford Models美容机构室内实景图
美国Ford Models美容机构外部实景图
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