England Red’s True Barbecue Restaurant
Red’s True烤肉餐厅,是真心喜欢传统烤肉的老板Scott Munro和James Douglas,专门开办的一家概念餐厅。他们邀请伦敦的Blacksheep设计团队,为他们打造一个不一样的餐厅酒吧。白天,这里是人们享受美味的就餐场所,到了晚上,热热闹闹的酒吧可以让人们一直畅玩儿到深夜。
通过工业化的设计元素、金属框架还有裸露的砖块,设计师打造出一种很有力度的餐厅空间。那暗黑色的装修风格也恰到好处的反映出品牌内在的特点,并且给客人带来一种完全不同的剧院般的就餐体验。自从2014年在曼彻斯特和黑丁利成功开设了两家店以来,2015年1月,第三家位于诺丁汉的Red’s True烤肉餐厅已经正式与人们见面了。店主如今正在筹备第四家店,其位置预计会在皇后大街上。
Red’s True Barbecue is a restaurant concept emerged from the owners’ love, Scott Munro and James Douglas, for the traditional methods of preparing grilled meat. Red Team has approached the Blacksheep studio from London to design a new interior concept for the restaurant and bar. The restaurant would function as a destination for dining throughout the day and the activity from the bar would continue until late night.
The design distinguishes through the industrial finishes, metal framework and exposed brickwork, revealing a gross concept but full of intensity. Dramatically through the approach, with dark elements of design, the Red’s True Barbecue concept reflects the character behind the brand and offers a “theatrical” distinct experience. January 2015 saw the opening of Red’s True Barbecue in Nottingham. After the successful launch in Manchester and Headingly in 2014 we’ve been busy designing the fourth which is now open to believers on Queen Street。
英国Red’s True烤肉餐厅室内实景图
英国Red’s True烤肉餐厅室内实景图
英国Red’s True烤肉餐厅室内实景图
英国Red’s True烤肉餐厅室内实景图
英国Red’s True烤肉餐厅室内局部实景图
英国Red’s True烤肉餐厅室内局部实景图
英国Red’s True烤肉餐厅室内局部实景图
英国Red’s True烤肉餐厅室内局部实景图
英国Red’s True烤肉餐厅室内洗手间实景图
英国Red’s True烤肉餐厅室内洗手间实景图
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只看楼主 我来说两句 抢板凳