Abu Dhabi The Coffee Club cafe
The Coffee Club是澳大利亚本土最大的一个咖啡餐饮集团,最近他们在阿联酋新开了一家分店。The Coffee Club的品牌理念,可不仅仅是让客人到这里见个面喝杯咖啡那么简单,而是为人们提供一个休闲放松的会谈空间,可他们在这里享受片刻的宁静。位于久负盛名的扎耶德回教堂里的这个咖啡馆,是该集团在阿联酋布局的第三大分店项目。
The Coffee Club is Australia’s largest home grown cafe group that has recently branched into the UAE. The Coffee Club brand was created to be more than just a place where people could meet for a coffee. The store was designed to provide a relaxed meeting place where people could catch up. The prestigious Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque project is the third of many planned outlets throughout the UAE.
The new highly desirable site of 200m2 fit out accommodates for the crowds at one of the UAE’s largest tourist attractions. The fit out captures the essences of the Australian café brand with it relaxing café feel whilst featuring new architectural details sympathetic to the mosque’s design. The layout caters for the high volumes of customers to pass through this store with multiple custom refrigeration lines for grab and go food options & numerous coffee machines.
阿布扎比The Coffee Club咖啡馆室内实景图
阿布扎比The Coffee Club咖啡馆室内实景图
阿布扎比The Coffee Club咖啡馆室内实景图
阿布扎比The Coffee Club咖啡馆室内局部实景图
阿布扎比The Coffee Club咖啡馆室内局部实景图
阿布扎比The Coffee Club咖啡馆室内局部实景图
阿布扎比The Coffee Club咖啡馆室内局部实景图

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只看楼主 我来说两句 抢板凳