© Clément Guillaume
建筑在铁路景观与综合城市肌理中展开,并融入其中。在新的夏洛莱街区,拥有281个房间的社会住宅项目作为“大发展区”而嵌入到现存的郊区肌理及其八九十年代的扩展范围的中去。项目基地曾是铁路设施,建筑在城市南边区域形成了一道新的城市立面,从而加深通过里昂车站进入城市铁路旅客对建筑的印象。 From the architect. The building unfurls and is folded into the railroad landscape and composite urban fabric. In the new Charolais quarter, a 281 room social residence acts as the masthead of the “development lot” while embedded in the existing fabric of the suburb and its extensions from the 80s and 90s. On the land acquired from former railway installations, the building offers a new urban façade on the southside, thereby enhancing the entrance into the city for rail travelers using the gare de Lyon.
© Clément Guillaume
© Clément Guillaume
在北面,夏洛莱日托中心通过自己投射到大街上的建筑阴影体量来表示自己的存在。它围绕现有的树木围合成一个庭院花园,这个花园辐射了整个街区。在西部,新的若泽•森普伦街区林立着公寓和住宅。用这种方式来协调视角以创造一个舒适的视野并建造一个与现存建筑共生的公共庭院。有棱角的几何形状是这种优化的结果,并且还可以保证视野,使日光穿透进来。最后,通过一个新的通道,我们将这个“小岛”完全打开,允许行人从日托中心很方便的到达新夏洛莱街区。 To the north, on the rue du Charolais, the daycare center signifies its presence with its volume projected out onto the street. It unfolds within to create a courtyard garden around existing trees to benefit the whole neighborhood. To the west, the new rue Jorge Semprun, is lined with studio apartments and residential housing. The perspectives are negotiated in such a way as to create comfortable views and to structure a common courtyard with existing buildings. The angular geometries are the result of this optimization, which, in addition, guarantees a visual and solar porosity within the islet. Finally, with the new passageway, we open the islet up completely, allowing for continuous pedestrian circulation from the daycare center to the new quarter.
Floor Plan/平面图
功能与材质 功能融合使该项目在城市层面加强了综合运作。其统一的基础与日托中心、社会住宅和公寓等多维度的建筑在材质使用的一致性密切相关:幕墙都采用光亮高透明度的玻璃。这些使城市的空间方案对居住于此的弱势群体表现出慷慨的欢迎态度,从而使其约束感随之消失了。 Program and materiality The programmatic mix enhances what is a complex operation on the urban level. The unitary base is a pedestal associating the collective dimension of the daycare center, the social residence and the apartments, in the same materiality: the curtain wall in enameled and transparent glass. Thus, the urban constraints disappear in the spatial resolution which offers a generous welcome to the disadvantaged population occupying the social residence.
© Clément Guillaume
金属光泽的电镀板材、白色的镀锡薄钢板和青铜色不锈钢所带来的观感的不同,促进重构现有的城市景观,并确保从工业区的大规模建筑体量过渡到新建造的小规模居住建筑体量。 The differences in the shades of the cladding, white sheet metal and bronze stainless steel, facilitate recomposing the urban landscape and ensure the transition from the scale of the industrial area (the ZAC) to that of the restructured building.
© Clément Guillaume
日托中心 得益于其体量较小,可以根据基地的大小灵活布置,通过拉伸和压缩,使其与住宅建筑主体之间保持一定的距离,并在其中留有庭院。虽然幼儿园建筑空间嵌入住宅建筑内,但是从功能的角度看它仍然是完全独立的。日托中心最多可容纳60个儿童:婴幼儿区主要在一层,另外一部分和学龄前儿童一起在二楼。 The Daycare Center Benefitting from its small scale, it extends according to the principle of a pedestal that is stretched and folded to keep its distance from the main building of the residence and surround the courtyard of the establishment. Although the daycare building is spatially embedded within the residence building, it remains totally independent from a functional point of view. The daycare center provides services for 60 children: infants and toddlers on the main ground level and, on a partial level on the first floor, preschoolers.
© Clément Guillaume
他们彼此之间被用玻璃窗隔断开来,由于反射和透射原理使得室内的生活空间看起来比它们实际上更大。天花板上柔和的灯光提供柔软的漫射照明。带有植物和石头的庭院花园给建筑中增添了自然光。宽敞的庭院(270m2)就建造在基地原来有树木的地方。这个庭院丰富了在二楼的给稍大一点的孩子使用的大操场(110平方米)。 As they are related to one another through their glass partitions, the living spaces feel larger than they are, thanks to reflections and transparencies. Halos of light flicker on the ceilings and provide soft and diffuse lighting. With its plants and white stones, the patio garden adds to the natural light in the heart of the building. The spacious courtyard (270m2) occupies the part of the site with existing trees. This court is complemented on the first floor by a large playground terrace (110m2) for the older children.
Floor Plan/平面图
家庭公寓 新的集约公寓建筑可以从室外长廊到达建筑内部。所有公寓的厨房都可以享受早晨的阳光和双面采光,这是得益于其优化了公寓与现存建筑之间的距离。这里的大多数公寓也拥有户外空间。 Family Apartments The new building of collective apartments is accessible from the promenade leading to the residence. All the apartments enjoy morning light in the kitchen and double exposures, thanks to the optimization of the distance between it and the existing buildings facing it. Most of these apartments have outdoor space as well.
© Clément Guillaume
社会住宅 住宅包括南边和东边的重建和扩建部分。这些扩建部分提高了工作室的生活品质。住宅入口大厅通过一个非常有组织的空间将新建的公寓(46个公寓)和重新装修的公寓(235个公寓)连接在一起,并考虑到在不同的地方开设不同的窗户,使得有南向的采光照射进来。 The Social Residence The residence includes a restructured and enlarged portion to the south and the east. These extensions improve the quality of life in the studios. The residence entry hall reunites the new program (46 apartments) to the renovated units (235 apartments) in a very organic space that considers the different places and opens up onto a terrace with a southern exposure.
© Clément Guillaume
这些单元依据两重设计排列分布: ——外部,通过平台的楼梯间,在每一层提供放松的公共空间。 ——内部,通过重新组织的平面分布提供自然光线。 顶层住宅可以将周围风光、车站巨大的梁架和绵延的铁轨尽收眼底。 These units are distributed according to a double plan: -Exterior, via the terrace-stairwell, offering collective spaces of relaxation at each level. -Interior, via a restructuring of the floor distributions providing natural light throughout. The top floor of the residence benefits from an exceptional view over the landscape, the station’s immense skein of railroad tracks and beams.
© Clément Guillaume
© Clément Guillaume
房间 紧凑的地基(2.3m)的好处就是可以允许分解各种用途的房间形成序列,并赋予这些房间一定的灵活性。但是睡眠区需要远离厨房。这种伸展的工作室提供了宽敞的感觉,其中一侧向花园打开,另一侧可以看到广阔的地平线。 The Rooms The advantages of a tight plot (2.3m) allow for decomposing the various usages into sequences and conferring these with a certain degree of autonomy. The sleeping area is thus distanced from the kitchenette. This stretching of the studio provides a sensation of spaciousness. Wide apertures open onto the garden on one side, and out to the wide horizon, on the other.
© Clément Guillaume
© Clément Guillaume
© Clément Guillaume
© Clément Guillaume
Master Plan/总平面图
建筑设计:Eva Samuel 项目地点:法国,巴黎,夏洛莱街 项目年份: 2014年 摄影:Clément Guillaume 承包商:Eva Samuel architecte et associés 建筑师助理:S. Romain, P. Amella 经济分析:Michel Forgue 结构设计:EVP 流线设计:Bethac 声学系统设计:AYDA 建造商:Bateg 业主:ICF La Sablière 造价:1710万欧元 HT |
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悉尼Woollahra别墅建筑设计设计单位:Tzannes Associates事务所所在国家:澳大利亚作品地址:澳大利亚悉尼 Tzannes Associates事务所在澳大利亚的悉尼设计了Woollahra别墅。 这个建筑项目建在一块紧凑的城市区域上。在这样紧密的环境里,该事务所设计了一个休闲却大气的花园景观,把室内和户外空间相互联系起来。 这个新房屋的位置能最大化地看到北极光。为了达到这个目的,这个房屋与曲折的南部边界紧紧连接在一起,在转点上被划分成两个显著的侧翼房屋;正式和非正式区域与厨房分离开,厨房成为这两个空间之间的支点。
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