Canada Philip J. Currie Dinosaur Museum
设计方:Teeple Architects
景观设计师:SCATLIFF + MILLER + MURRAY Landscape Architects
设计团队:Stephen Teeple, Martin Baron, Mark Baechler, Lang Cheng, Carla Pareja, Gloria Perez, Will Elsworthy
摄影师:Tom Arban
这是由Teeple Architects设计的Philip J. Currie恐龙博物馆。该博物馆位于加拿大,是世界上最重要的古生物和自然历史博物馆之一。它向人们展示派普斯通恐龙骨床神奇的故事和它的发现之旅。原生厚鼻龙的骨架被放置在博物馆的入口处。博物馆运用了一种创新的木结构节点技术,材料选用当地木材和木材涂装,使得建筑更加的生态和引人注目。该博物馆计划定于2014年开放。
From the architect. Located within the township of Wembley, Alberta, the Philip J. Currie Dinosaur Museum will be one of the world’s foremost museums of paleontology and natural history. It will tell the fascinating story of the Pipestone Creek Dinosaur Bonebed and how it was discovered and subsequently excavated.The narrative of the museum parallels the discovery of the bonebed, the paleontological process of reconstructing dinosaurs and the experience of this prehistoric time.
The re-erected skeleton of the native Pachyrhinosaurus Lakustai dinosaur will be prominently featured at the museum entrance. The locally-sources timber structure and perforated acoustic wood finishes make for a warm yet dramatic sustainable building.On schedule for completion and opening in 2014, the Museum is utilizing an innovative process for custom-designed wood structural nodes.The nodes were designed in Rhino, with Structural Engineers Fast + Epp providing the hardware modelling before each piece was fabricated at Structure Craft.
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