Zoo Basel Ozeanium
设计方:HHF & Burckhardt + Partner
位置:瑞士 巴塞尔
HHF & Burckhardt + Partner分享了他们获得竞赛第二名的巴塞尔动物园水族馆方案,这是一个镶嵌在城市机理中的水族馆,将被当地人和旅游者当做公园游览。设计中的难题是如何与周围建筑的尺度相协调,为了吸引游客,这座建筑应该是一个显著而自信的形象,在这个特定的区域让城市空间更为丰富。屋顶和表皮都是同种材料同种形式语言构成的,采用露石混凝土,用粗糙的木模板刮出横向的纹理,里面包含像沉积岩一样的内容物。看上去古老的立面上开了大小不一的洞口或凹面,使人们看到外观就能够知晓建筑的功能和主题。一些球面的缺口中种植着绿色植物,也将成为鸟类和一些小动物的居住地。建筑球面形状的入口向各个面开放,显示出上部水体的重量感,其他重要的功能空间从这里都能直接看到。一个坡道将人们带向下层的休息室和电梯,楼梯和走廊都通向酒吧、临时展厅和博物馆商店。所有水族馆内的实用空间都可以在入口大厅处让步行、坐轮椅或推婴儿车的游客直接到达,这一区域是被上层结构遮蔽的,但是依然与室外气候息息相关,相当于半个室外空间,在夜晚才会通过格栅将其封闭。
HHF & Burckhardt + Partner shared with us their second prize winning proposal for the Zoo Basel Ozeanium, which is embedded in the city and used as a park by residents and visitors. The proposed Ozeanium accommodates the scale of the surrounding buildings, such as the Rialto swimming pool, the market hall and the tall buildings on the city ring. The striking, confident construction volume is a clear indication of what an attraction this will be, enriching the city in a central location. The roof and facade are homogenous in terms of the materials and the language of forms: exposed concrete, horizontally graduated by rough boarding and with sediment-like exogenous inclusions. The archaic building is riddled with differently sized openings and recesses, making it possible to ascertain the most important themes from the outside. Some of the spherical indentations in the building volume are planted with vegetation and serve as habitat for birds and small animals.In the Ozeanium’s dome-like entrance area, which is open on all sides, the gigantic weight of the masses of water above it becomes apparent. All of the building’s important functions can already be seen directly from here. A ramp leads down to the foyer and elevators; passages and staircases lead to the bar, the temporary exhibition and the museum shop. Everything for which the building is used can be accessed directly from the entrance area on foot, by wheelchair, or with a baby buggy. This public area is protected from the elements, but in terms of climate, it is an outdoor area, which is closed off at night by means of a grating.

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