Coast beach lifeguard clubs
设计方:durbach block jaggers architects p/l in collaboration with peter colquhoun
位置:澳大利亚 悉尼
澳大利亚建筑事务所durbach block jaggers 和 peter colquhoun 事务所合作,重新设计的悉尼邦代海滩北部的海岸救生员俱乐部。该设计挨着海滩,赞颂了救生员的大无畏精神,同时也展现了海滩的悠闲生活。俱乐部建在了历史遗址之上,把原来的结构同周边环境分隔开,边缘采用透明的设计,整体线条流畅,与海湾和海角相互辉映。设计师注重体现景观的自然美。雕刻图案的庭院设有两个主要的功能区,有宽敞的走廊和户外阶梯,可以清楚地看见海滩上人们的活动。俱乐部的外观很醒目,采用有图案的瓷砖,在阳光下变化多端,彰显海滩上人们的生活情趣。
australian studio durbach block jaggers in collaboration with architect and local, peter colquhoun have redesigned the ‘north bondi surf life saving club’ (NBSLSC) in sydney. connecting directly with its beachfront location, the building celebrates the understated heroism of its members and the playful hedonism of life on the beach. positioned on an iconic and national heritage site, the original structure was disengaged from its surroundings – the new clubhouse achieves a continuous dialogue with the public, as its transparent edges open the inside spaces to the exterior. the volume consists of a single form that varies continuously, echoing the gentle cove of the beach and its two headlands.
respecting the natural beauty of the site, the mass is intended to be both looked at and through, with a carved courtyard that contains two primary function spaces. a wide veranda and outdoor stairs allow for the activities on the beach to easily be observed and offer a direct access way to both the street and waterfront. a sparkling fa?ade of patterned tiles illuminates the surface, constantly animated by the sun, shadows and mood of life at bondi.

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