© John Sinal
这项设计是现代主义建筑在沙漠极端环境中的探索展示。项目地点位于一个可远眺可达西面的火山脊,南望科特斯海的朝西面多岩石的小山上。项目经过仔细规划,在场地条件极具挑战、资金预算并不充裕的情况下,充分在室内使用阳光照明。 From the architect. This project is an exploration of the modernist pavilion in an extreme desert context. The site is a west-facing rocky knoll with distant views of a volcanic mountain ridge to the west and the Sea of Cortez to the south. The organization of the architectural program is used to create a passive solar response to the constraints of a challenging site and modest construction budget.
© John Sinal
© John Sinal
该住宅坐落在一个陡峭的斜坡上,公共生活区设在卧室底下的一处带角度的平台上,由承载卧室的一块巨大的矩形单体遮蔽。楼上的环形走廊最大的特点是设有穿孔的西南向的外墙,能吸收大量太阳能,这不仅解决了项目内部卧室的隔热问题,同时还能产生压力差,形成高效的被动式通风渠道。 The project utilizes a relatively small building footprint on the steeply sloping site – organizing the public living areas on a series of cascading platforms, shaded and sheltered by a single monolithic rectangular volume that houses the bedrooms above. The circulation corridor on the upper floor features a southwest-facing perforated exterior wall that absorbs the intense solar gain, isolating the inboard bedrooms from the heat while also creating a pressure differential that results in effective passive ventilation.
© John Sinal
上层重量轻而易举地落在三个支点上,主层的大部分空间通过一系列可开启的玻璃窗连通四周景观。上层结构设计内有一个大的矩形天井,由一条挂在室内瀑布水池上方的悬臂式楼梯连通。这个深开的天井不但能使阳光直射到建筑下方规整的生活区中,还创造了开放式连接,使居住者在下方室外生活区或水池中也能抬头仰望天空。 The upper volume is supported lightly on three points, with the majority of the main floor opening into the landscape through a series of operable glass panels. There is a large internal rectangular opening in the upper box, through which a cantilevered stair rises upward over the plunge pool. This deep opening blocks direct sunlight from penetrating into the exteriorized living space below, while providing an open connection to the sky above the exterior living area and pool.
© John Sinal
© John Sinal
Site Plan/场地平面图
Floor Plan/平面图
Floor Plan/平面图
建筑设计事务所: Campos Leckie Studio 地点:墨西哥Baja California Sur 面积:2,400 平方英尺 项目年份:2013年 摄影师: John Sinal |
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越南广宁省董潮石屋设计方案建筑师:Vo Trong Nghia建筑师位置:越南 广宁省 董潮承包商:wNw House JSC年份:2011摄影:Hiroyuki Oki 这个环面形的石头房子坐落在一个安静的住宅小区,它的旁边是从河内到下龙湾的大路。
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