摘要:随着经济的高速发展,建筑业也在飞速的发展中,暖通空调技术作为建筑的重要组成部分,也要不断对其技术进行改进,以适应不断变化发展的现状。本文通过介绍暖通空调发展现状,并结合实际对暖通空调技术的概况、应用及节能的发展做了深入的探讨。 关键词:暖通空调;技术;发展;节能;绿色 abstract: with the rapid development of economy, the construction industry is in rapid development, hvac technology as construction important constituent, also continue to the technology improvement, in order to adapt to the changing situation. this paper introduces the current situation of the development of hvac system, and combining the actual situation of hvac technology, application and development of energy conservation to do an in-depth study.
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