Courtesy of Moradavaga
该项目被命名为Vira-Lata,这是一座通信塔,由Moradavaga设计建造。这个通信塔连接波尔图圣本诺火车站旁一个地势较高的街道上的公共广场,有楼梯可通往该塔。该项目由2300个可转动的管状材料建成,游客还可以在材料表面留言。 From the architect. “Vira-Lata” is the name of the installation conceived by Moradavaga. A communication tower which connects an upper street with the new public square next to Porto’s São Bento train station by a staircase and invites visitors at the same time to write their messages on the 2300 turn-able cans facade. ![]()
Courtesy of Moradavaga
Courtesy of Moradavaga
Vira-Lata通信塔受Porto Lazer的邀请设计完成的。起初,Porto Lazer想要设计一个艺术作品,将Locomotiva项目里的新人民广场和旁边的波尔图São Bento火车站连接起来。 “Vira-Lata” was born from an invitation by Porto Lazer to conceive an artistic piece that could integrate the Locomotiva project for the new public square next to Porto’s São Bento train station. ![]()
该项目的设计理念源于现存领地的批判性,设计师提议用一个兼具玩味和实用的垂直元素将新广场和前面的街道连接起来。 The gesture for the idea behind the project arose from the critical interpretation of the territory at hand, proposing a vertical element, both ludic and functional, that connects the level of the new square to the one of the street that passes above. ![]()
Courtesy of Moradavaga
Courtesy of Moradavaga
像旅行一样穿梭在铁路世界,这个用于交互式概念墙体的公共楼梯,作为一个"通信塔",从它的外立面就能看到火车的到来和离去。 Crossing references from the act of travelling as from the railway world, the concept for the interactive facade of this public staircase, which also poses as a “communication tower”, derives from the informative screens in the stations that display the departures and arrivals. ![]()
Courtesy of Moradavaga
Courtesy of Moradavaga
该项目设计通过使用两个不同的颜色 — — 火车车厢的黄色和锡罐的金属色。通过回转每个锡罐像是运作大规模的类比像素的屏幕,展现原始面貌、个人消息和图片,人们便可以积极参与到广场的形象变化中。 By using a system of two different colours – the yellow found in the train carriages and the natural metal colour of the tin cans – the possibility to create original and personal messages and images – by turning each can as if in a massive analogical pixel screen -, is offered to the users who can actually participate actively in the constant mutation of the square’s image. ![]()
Courtesy of Moradavaga
Courtesy of Moradavaga
Courtesy of Moradavaga
Courtesy of Moradavaga
Courtesy of Moradavaga
Courtesy of Moradavaga
Floor Plan/平面图
建筑设计事务所:Moradavaga 项目地点:葡萄牙 波尔图 总建筑师:Manfred Eccli, Pedro Cavaco Leitão 项目年份:2015年 摄影师:Courtesy of Moradavaga 合作方:Rossana Ribeiro 结构设计:Catari Portugal 项目支援:Colep 合伙人:Cavaco & Coquet, Lda Architects: Moradavaga Location: Porto, Portugal Architect In Charge: Manfred Eccli, Pedro Cavaco Leitão Year: 2015 Photographs: Courtesy of Moradavaga Collaborators: Rossana Ribeiro Structure: Catari Portugal Support: Colep Partner: Cavaco & Coquet, Lda |
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日本东京LA KAGU旧仓库改造项目名称:LA KAGU项目地点:东京,日本设计单位:隈研吾建筑都市设计事务所项目面积: 962.45 ㎡项目时间:2015 在东京神乐坂地区,一处巨大的台阶点缀着几棵树木,向上便是曾经东京图书仓库的入口。隈研吾事务所将其改造成了一个生活方式商店和咖啡馆。覆盖了与仓库本身面积相当的区域,木质和钢质的楼梯蜿蜒地从街上分别通向建筑的上、下两层,树木从一系列的洞里生长出来。“我们使建筑空间朝街的方向打开,用原木制阶梯连接一层,就像土地一样伸展过去,”事务所的人如是说。“楼梯在中部产生分叉,一侧通向二层。”隈研吾事务所最大程度地改变了原来的结构,目的是在不影响原来特征的条件下,将尽可能多的将玻璃融合进建筑。
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