© Sharyn Cairns
通过通用形式和模型元素的应用,发扬‘建筑风格的尊严’。 孩童彩笔下的房子:长方形,坡屋顶,高高的窗子,具有基本的形状和简单的几何图形。这些就是我们对房屋的雏形和原始样式的第一印象。 From the architect. Recognisable ‘dignity-of-style’ developed through familiar forms and archetypal elements. A child’s drawing of a house; rectangular-shape, pitched-roof, high-window, featuring primary-forms and simple-geometry. Reading as an archetype, a prototype; the first in a run. ![]()
© Sharyn Cairns
捕捉潜意识和无意间想到的一些似曾相识的建筑元素,把潜意识里“应该就是这样”的意识表达出来;铁质瓦楞屋顶,山墙式坡屋顶,方形高窗,原始的几何图案:三角形,长方形形,正方形,再把它们制作出3D效果,加进像巨大魔法箱一样的房子中。 ‘Making’ something that just ‘feels-right’ through a subliminal, intuitive interpretation of subconsciously familiar architectural elements; corrugated-iron-roof, gable-ended-pitched roof, square high-window, primary-geometry: triangle, rectangle, square, extrapolated into 3D objects stacked about the house like giant crates. ![]()
© Sharyn Cairns
© Sharyn Cairns
这些特征不属于任何特定的郊区住宅,但在每个人的生活中却十分普遍。尽管这些元素随处可见,但是我们力求把这些元素聚集在一起,揉入到一个全新的曼妙的组合中。该项目应该能成为值得骄傲的经典之作。它帮助我们重拾建筑设计风格的尊严——建筑风格曾因其无法被正确的展现而一度被认为低廉乏味。我们坚信在郊区住宅只要通过找寻美的眼睛,一定会发现有值得设计运用的地方。 These aren’t features belonging particularly to any single suburb – but are common where almost everyone lives. Despite this ubiquity, we seek to bring these elements together in an unusually refined and beautiful composition. The house should be a lesson in pride. It helps us to recognise the dignity of a style of building which is regarded as humble only because it has not until now been attended to properly. We point to some of what there is to be proud of in suburbs, in a realistic and practical way. ![]()
First Floor Plan/首层平面图
我们希望在工作中体现更多内容,对房子的负责态度让设计目标超越平庸,发掘在潜意识下的想法,一些 “最初的”直觉。 于是挑战随之而来,‘初萌芽的构思’:——更像是一个不言而喻的喜悦。 We hope for something more in our work, an engagement with the building that transcends the obvious, something that bathes the subconscious and just feels right ‘intuitively’. And therein lies the challenge, “feels right intuitively”: – to remain an unspoken joy. ![]()
© Sharyn Cairns
回到起点,孩童彩笔下的城堡:长方形,坡屋顶,高高的窗子,具有初级的形式和简单的几何形体。把它塑成原型,标准;把脑海里那个跳跃的发散思维调回原点。 Back-to-basics, child’s drawing of a house; rectangular-shape, pitched-roof, high-window, featuring primary-forms and simple-geometry. Reading as an archetype, prototype; the first-in-a-run. ![]()
© Sharyn Cairns
崇尚建筑形式与环境之间的对比,通过高度、尺度和比例产生联系。“彼此协调而不重复”。一反项目四周的建筑风格环境,避免典型的平顶屋造型。‘新’应该鼓励以‘在地感’取代新潮感,保持房屋的现代感和耐用性。避免出现在一般设计里面的定向思维,浮夸的现代主义框架或者一成不变的哗众取宠样式。使用简洁的外观线条腾出足够空间,将新、旧风格加以区分。设计出一套充满设计存在感的项目,补充该区域现有的平顶建筑样式。我们的项目地点正好位于‘龙骨’之上。 Built form & context ‘complimentary-opposite, relating through height, scale & proportion. ‘Belonging without replicating’. Avoid typical flat-roof response at odds with site and in-contrast to the surrounding built-environment. ‘New’ should enhance ‘sense-of-place’ transcend fashion, remain contemporary and robust. Avoid clichéd, ‘heroic-modernist’ box, or one-liner ‘gimmick-piece’ in-which arbitrary forms are used to generate buildings. Separate new from old with clear delineation space to provide physical break between the 2-buildings. Created an infill-building completing the existing roof-top topography of the area. Our site was the missing ‘tooth’ ![]()
First Floor Plan/首层平面图
© Sharyn Cairns
室内设计‘室内’亦如重点关注的‘室外’一样。外部和内部的设计形式同样需要别出心裁:墙体外观,幕墙及特定区域的用途和界定、立面的形式。这些空间的设计是厨房设置、外墙装饰,墙皮设计以及各种用途空间的基础。使房屋内外设计达成协调,模糊家居内部和外部的界限。室内设计的高级木作和墙体融为一体,把它们设计成紧贴在生活中的元素,渗透到你的生活中,成为你所依恋的一部分。喜欢对比一贯的城市环境和现代生活的瞬态特征。 INTERIORS ‘interior’ as profound as ‘exterior’ key-part of our offer. External & internal ‘box-forms’ are ordering-devices; clad, screen & define specific-areas & usage, & breakdown facade. They support kitchen-appliances, house clothing, conceal walls and services & work to provide a unified theme binding interior to exterior. Blur boundary between interior & exterior. Internal joinery ‘elements’ & walls are presented as ‘objects’, like the idea that these ‘elements’ appear as if they can be slid-out, taking them with you when you go. Interested in the duality of the permanence of this urban environment & the transient nature of modern living. ![]()
© Sharyn Cairns
我们鼓励使用者加入自己的想法。比如我们为他们的‘私人博物馆’置入馆藏,他们按照自己偏好重新排列设计。我们为他们的日常生活编好代码,在这个背景下,这变成了一个很自然的过程,他们可以在我们筑好的巢穴中高枕无忧。这是最基本的步骤,而且除此之外没有什么比设置好一个温暖的家的环境更基础了。我的启发来自于我的子女非常依赖他们成长的环境。无关外部设计,精髓在于内部情感的发酵。内部环境至关重要,设计感官在家室情结前都只是虚晃。对我子女来说重要的是家里熟悉的内部环境和生活品质。塑造一个家是很私人化的一件事情。我们需要了解认识我们所提供设计服务的个人。就像为别人画肖像一样,我觉得画家不去了解一个人,就能成功画出好的人物肖像是一件难以想象的事情。 We like the user to ‘curate’ the space we help create; that is, we bring things to their ‘personal museum’ and they bring things and arrange these things. We facilitate a ‘process of operation’ helping to them programme the way they live. In this context it becomes a very natural process, like nesting. Its primal and really there is no more important or profound thing than helping to make a home for a family. I’m inspired by the memories my children have of the places they grew up (with in). Its all about the interior interaction not the facade, the interior is the thing that impacts while for them the architectural envelope was matter-of-fact. Its the type and quality of space my children had that was important to them. Creating a home is a very personal thing. We need to know and understand the people we designing for. It’s like painting a portrait, I can’t imagine an artist could really capture someone without knowing them. ![]()
© Sharyn Cairns
© Sharyn Cairns
建筑设计: Whiting Architects 项目地点:澳大利亚,墨尔本 阿尔伯特公园VIC 3206 项目面积:240.0平方米 摄影: Sharyn Cairns 工程:John Gardner and Associates 施工:Latrobe building services Architects: Whiting Architects Location: Albert Park VIC 3206, Australia Area: 240.0 sqm Year: 2013 Photographs: Sharyn Cairns Engineer: John Gardner and Associates Builder: Latrobe building services |
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美国纽约海洋甲板式住宅© Matthew Carbone 这个海滨住所通过引入大悬挑甲板平台和屋顶平台来体验室内外生活的不同感觉。这套住宅专为喜爱做饭和娱乐的活跃家庭设计。From the architect. This ocean front residence captures the sense of indoor-outdoor living by introducing large cantilevered decks and roof decks. Designed for an active family who loves to cook and entertain。
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