Image © Beppe Giardino
在意大利都灵一个街道的转角,设计师Luciano Pia把一座公寓升级成了一个都市丛林,它看上去更像树屋而不是居住区。25 Verde公寓不仅用郁郁葱葱的绿色空间创造了城市绿洲,而且通过仿生设计达到可持续性:植物茂盛时会创造自己的微气候,同时建筑收集雨水用来浇灌植物。自然通风和地热技术帮助调节温度。 A street corner in Turin, Italy, got a major upgrade when Luciano Pia created an urban jungle at an apartment complex that is more like a treehouse than a housing block. 25 Verde not only makes an oasis in the city with lush, green spaces, but it is also biomimetically designed to be sustainable: When vegetation is in bloom, it creates its own micro-climate, while the building harvests rainwater for watering the plants. Natural ventilation and geothermal technology help regulate temperature.
树之家 / Vo Trong Nghia Architects
因为美化环境和生态友好等显而易见的原因,绿色立面正变得越来越流行,无论是小规模还是低成本项目都能实现。一个简单的植物系统,或大或小都能提供一个同样引人注目的解决方案。它们甚至能占据整个建筑,就像Vo Trong Nghia Architects设计的奇妙的“树之家”。 Indeed green façades are becoming more popular for the obvious reasons of beauty and eco-friendliness, they can be complicated to realize on smaller-scale or lower-budget projects. Often a simple system of planters, large or small, can offer an equally dramatic solution. They can even consume the entire building, as in Vo Trong Nghia Architects' wonderful House for Trees.
Torre Huerta Socialopolis. Image courtesy MVRDV
韩国Gwanggyo权利中心设计。Image courtesy MVRDV
同时,丹麦建筑事务所MVRDV已经尝试在不同尺度应用植物,从Torre Huerta Socialopolis里卡通般的大花盆嵌入阳台,到韩国Gwanggyo权利中心设计,每层都有植物沿着外部走道环绕,像一座绿色的山体。 Meanwhile, Dutch architects MVRDV have experimented with planters at different scales, from their Torre Huerta Socialopolis and its cartoonishly big pots embedded in balconies, to the Gwanggyo Power Center, where each story has a ring of planters along its outside walkway, making green, hill-like masses.
生物多样塔 / Maison Edouard François
绿色立面和植物种植方面的另一位先导者是Eduardo Francois,他不但完成了实际项目 — 包括2000年建于蒙彼利埃的“成长的建筑”和2004年建于巴黎的“花塔”,而且完成了理论项目,像“生物多样塔”,整个完整的生态系统都压缩在一个单体建筑里。 Another leader in green façades and planters is Eduardo Francois, who has completed both real work — including “The Building that Grows” in Montpellier (2000) and the “Flower Tower” in Paris (2004) — and speculative projects, like the "Tower of Biodiversity," where an entire ecosystem is compressed into a single building.
Hotel Lone by Studio 3LHD Rovinj,克罗地亚
Architizer项目数据库里还有些我们喜欢的项目,它们没有将植物集成到立面构造里,而是灵活地种植在建筑的各个地方,下面同样作些介绍。 空中花园由一系列植物木篮构成,就像窗帘一样。 Here are some of our favorite projects from the Architizer project database that do not integrate their vegetation into the tectonics of their façades but instead opt for the flexibility of planters, expressed as such. A hanging garden made from a series of wooden baskets with live plants resembles a curtain.
花塔 / Maison Edouard François,法国巴黎
这些大花盆摆放在阳台上,灵感来自于传统的巴黎窗台悬挂式盆栽。 These giant flower pots hang from the balconies, inspired by traditional Parisian hanging window planters.
壁龛房 / 位于伊朗纳杰法巴德 ayeneh建筑事务所
房屋光滑洁白的墙壁上凿出很多壁龛,其中大多数种着植物,当然它们也能用来容纳其他装饰性元素。 The house as "niches" carved into its smooth white walls, most of which hold plants, but they can also be used for other decorative elements.
屋顶花园 / Meditch Murphey Architects, Chevy Chase, MD
通过在屋顶种植树木,建筑师让整个基地成为一个绿色景观。 By placing trees on the roof, the architects make the whole site a green landscape.
41 Bond / Future Green Studio,纽约
绿色植物巧妙地勾画了NoHo8层建筑的窗台。 Greenery subtly frames the fenestrations of this 8-story façade in NoHo.
Stacking Green / Vo Trong Nghia + Daisuke Sanuki + Shunri Nishizawa,越南胡志明市
你可能因为之前介绍过的“树之家”还记得设计师Nghia。Stacking Green也是他参与设计的,建筑立面布满了绿色植物,表现了西贡在拥挤城市建设城市植被的传统。 You might remember Nghia from the House for Trees. This façade is filled with greenery, which plays off the Saigonese tradition of urban vegetation in a dense city. |
Image © Beppe Giardino
在意大利都灵一个街道的转角,设计师Luciano Pia把一座公寓升级成了一个都市丛林,它看上去更像树屋而不是居住区。25 Verde公寓不仅用郁郁葱葱的绿色空间创造了城市绿洲,而且通过仿生设计达到可持续性:植物茂盛时会创造自己的微气候,同时建筑收集雨水用来浇灌植物。自然通风和地热技术帮助调节温度。 A street corner in Turin, Italy, got a major upgrade when Luciano Pia created an urban jungle at an apartment complex that is more like a treehouse than a housing block. 25 Verde not only makes an oasis in the city with lush, green spaces, but it is also biomimetically designed to be sustainable: When vegetation is in bloom, it creates its own micro-climate, while the building harvests rainwater for watering the plants. Natural ventilation and geothermal technology help regulate temperature.
树之家 / Vo Trong Nghia Architects
因为美化环境和生态友好等显而易见的原因,绿色立面正变得越来越流行,无论是小规模还是低成本项目都能实现。一个简单的植物系统,或大或小都能提供一个同样引人注目的解决方案。它们甚至能占据整个建筑,就像Vo Trong Nghia Architects设计的奇妙的“树之家”。 Indeed green façades are becoming more popular for the obvious reasons of beauty and eco-friendliness, they can be complicated to realize on smaller-scale or lower-budget projects. Often a simple system of planters, large or small, can offer an equally dramatic solution. They can even consume the entire building, as in Vo Trong Nghia Architects' wonderful House for Trees.
Torre Huerta Socialopolis. Image courtesy MVRDV
韩国Gwanggyo权利中心设计。Image courtesy MVRDV
同时,丹麦建筑事务所MVRDV已经尝试在不同尺度应用植物,从Torre Huerta Socialopolis里卡通般的大花盆嵌入阳台,到韩国Gwanggyo权利中心设计,每层都有植物沿着外部走道环绕,像一座绿色的山体。 Meanwhile, Dutch architects MVRDV have experimented with planters at different scales, from their Torre Huerta Socialopolis and its cartoonishly big pots embedded in balconies, to the Gwanggyo Power Center, where each story has a ring of planters along its outside walkway, making green, hill-like masses.
生物多样塔 / Maison Edouard François
绿色立面和植物种植方面的另一位先导者是Eduardo Francois,他不但完成了实际项目 — 包括2000年建于蒙彼利埃的“成长的建筑”和2004年建于巴黎的“花塔”,而且完成了理论项目,像“生物多样塔”,整个完整的生态系统都压缩在一个单体建筑里。 Another leader in green façades and planters is Eduardo Francois, who has completed both real work — including “The Building that Grows” in Montpellier (2000) and the “Flower Tower” in Paris (2004) — and speculative projects, like the "Tower of Biodiversity," where an entire ecosystem is compressed into a single building.
Hotel Lone by Studio 3LHD Rovinj,克罗地亚
Architizer项目数据库里还有些我们喜欢的项目,它们没有将植物集成到立面构造里,而是灵活地种植在建筑的各个地方,下面同样作些介绍。 空中花园由一系列植物木篮构成,就像窗帘一样。 Here are some of our favorite projects from the Architizer project database that do not integrate their vegetation into the tectonics of their façades but instead opt for the flexibility of planters, expressed as such. A hanging garden made from a series of wooden baskets with live plants resembles a curtain.
花塔 / Maison Edouard François,法国巴黎
这些大花盆摆放在阳台上,灵感来自于传统的巴黎窗台悬挂式盆栽。 These giant flower pots hang from the balconies, inspired by traditional Parisian hanging window planters.
壁龛房 / 位于伊朗纳杰法巴德 ayeneh建筑事务所
房屋光滑洁白的墙壁上凿出很多壁龛,其中大多数种着植物,当然它们也能用来容纳其他装饰性元素。 The house as "niches" carved into its smooth white walls, most of which hold plants, but they can also be used for other decorative elements.
屋顶花园 / Meditch Murphey Architects, Chevy Chase, MD
通过在屋顶种植树木,建筑师让整个基地成为一个绿色景观。 By placing trees on the roof, the architects make the whole site a green landscape.
41 Bond / Future Green Studio,纽约
绿色植物巧妙地勾画了NoHo8层建筑的窗台。 Greenery subtly frames the fenestrations of this 8-story façade in NoHo.
Stacking Green / Vo Trong Nghia + Daisuke Sanuki + Shunri Nishizawa,越南胡志明市
你可能因为之前介绍过的“树之家”还记得设计师Nghia。Stacking Green也是他参与设计的,建筑立面布满了绿色植物,表现了西贡在拥挤城市建设城市植被的传统。 You might remember Nghia from the House for Trees. This façade is filled with greenery, which plays off the Saigonese tradition of urban vegetation in a dense city. |
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