Well, you did not define the area of the conference room.
IESNA HANDBOOK has internation (North America ) regulation of average lux or footcandle for conference room. Circuit breaker per circuit(per phase) usually is 15AMP for 120V here at North America. Do not understand why 3rd floor tell you to use 25Amp per circuit ( per phase).
Also, you might consider color of Flurescent Lamp is too white and do not have enough red to give you good color tone on peoples’ skin.
特色作为design’s basic character is very important.
Dimming is also needed for conference room and flurescent dimming is not efficient as of today.
I, myself, usually will have PAR35 or PAR40 take care 60% and flurescent for the remaining 40%. A balance of power consumption and color usage.
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只看楼主 我来说两句再说了,怎么控制不是你说了算啊!它要达到什么装修效果就应该怎样控制的!!
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IESNA HANDBOOK has internation (North America ) regulation of average lux or footcandle for conference room. Circuit breaker per circuit(per phase) usually is 15AMP for 120V here at North America. Do not understand why 3rd floor tell you to use 25Amp per circuit ( per phase).
Also, you might consider color of Flurescent Lamp is too white and do not have enough red to give you good color tone on peoples’ skin.
特色作为design’s basic character is very important.
Dimming is also needed for conference room and flurescent dimming is not efficient as of today.
I, myself, usually will have PAR35 or PAR40 take care 60% and flurescent for the remaining 40%. A balance of power consumption and color usage.
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