建筑施工预算管理及成本控制初探摘要:做好施工预算管理和施工成本控制工作,提高其管理和控制质量,是当前所有建筑施工单位必须要解决而且必须要解决好的问题。在本文中,笔者结合自己的工作经验,对建筑施工单位如何做好施工预算管理和施工成本控制提出了几点看法。关键词:建筑施工单位;预算管理;成本控制;方法Abstract: well construction budget management and construction cost control work, improve the management and quality control, is the current all construction units must to solve and must solve the good questions. In this paper, the author combined with his own experience, the construction units how well the construction budget management and construction cost control puts forward opinions.
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