土木在线论坛 \ 电气工程 \ 电气资料库 \ 关于FACTS的基础书籍(英文的)


发布于:2007-07-28 13:40:28 来自:电气工程/电气资料库 [复制转发]

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  • chym0822
    chym0822 沙发
    2008-09-24 20:42:24

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  • chym0822
    chym0822 板凳
    Operating Principle of the STATCOM

    In steady state operation, the voltage V2 generated by the VSC is in phase with V1 (δ=0), so that only reactive power is flowing (P=0). If V2 is lower than V1, Q is flowing from V1 to V2 (STATCOM is absorbing reactive power). On the reverse, if V2 is higher than V1, Q is flowing from V2 to V1 (STATCOM is generating reactive power). The amount of reactive power is given by

    A capacitor connected on the DC side of the VSC acts as a DC voltage source. In steady state the voltage V2 has to be phase shifted slightly behind V1 in order to compensate for transformer and VSC losses and to keep the capacitor charged. Two VSC technologies can be used for the VSC:


    VSC using GTO-based square-wave inverters and special interconnection transformers. Typically four three-level inverters are used to build a 48-step voltage waveform. Special interconnection transformers are used to neutralize harmonics contained in the square waves generated by individual inverters. In this type of VSC, the fundamental component of voltage V2 is proportional to the voltage Vdc. Therefore Vdc has to be varied for controlling the reactive power.

    VSC using IGBT-based PWM inverters. This type of inverter uses Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) technique to synthesize a sinusoidal waveform from a DC voltage source with a typical chopping frequency of a few kilohertz. Harmonic voltages are cancelled by connecting filters at the AC side of the VSC. This type of VSC uses a fixed DC voltage Vdc. Voltage V2 is varied by changing the modulation index of the PWM modulator.

    The STATCOM (Phasor Type) block models an IGBT-based STATCOM (fixed DC voltage). However, as details of the inverter and harmonics are not represented, it can be also used to model a GTO-based STATCOM in transient stability studies. A detailed model of a GTO-based STATCOM is provided in the FACTS demo library (power_statcom_gto48p demo).

    The figure below shows a single-line diagram of the STATCOM and a simplified block diagram of its control system.
    2008-09-24 20:42:24

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