以生物学特征而言,可分为Annuals、Annuals or Biannials、Biannial、Perennials、Ground Covers and Lawn Substitutes、Plants for Hedges and Screens、Vines and Vinelike Plants、Trees。其中的乔木(Trees)还可以分为大乔木(LARGE LANDSCAPIE TREES)、庭荫树(PATIO TREES)和小乔木(SMALL TO MEDIUM GARDEN TREES),在其下尚可分为落叶(DECIDUOUS)、半常绿(DECIDUOUS OR EVERYGREEN)和常绿(EVERYGREEN)。
以观赏属性而言,可分为Annuals with Seasonal Flowers、Autumn Foliage Colour、Bulbs and Bulblike Plants、Colourful Fruits and Berries、Ferns for Foliage Interest、Fragrant Plants、Landscape Plants with Showy Flowers、Ornamental Grasses、Palms、Plants for Espaliers、Plants with Coloured Foliage、Showy Perennial for Beds and Borders、Trees and Shrubs for Winter Interest。
以生态属性而言,可分为Good Choices for Rock Gardens、Plants for Arid Gardens、Plants for Damp Soil、Plants for Hanging Baskets and Window Boxes、Plants for seacoast Gardems、Plants for Windy Areas、Plants that Attract Birds、Plants that Attract Butterfliies、Plants that Resist Deer、Plants that Tolerate Shade。
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只看楼主 我来说两句 抢板凳TTC热烈祝贺炮台湾湿地森林公园正式开园!
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