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2007全国墙体材料革新成就展览会英文邀请函(1)General InfoThe new century has witnessed fruitful achievements in the renovation of wall material in china. According to incomplete statistic, to the end of 2006, National production of new wall materials has increased from less than 5% in 1992 to 40% in the whole production of wall materials. More than 84 million tons of standard coal and more than 1.4 million acres of land have been saved. Comprehensive utilization amount of various industrial wastes has reached to 450 million tons. And nearly 400 million square meters of energy-saving houses have been built. 30,000 clay & brick enterprises have been closed or reformed. All these efforts have resulted in the reduction of harmful gases emission, such as sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide, making a great contribution to the development of recycle economy.
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