How do you understand the item 大家怎么样理解 " 3.3.11 厂房中的丙类液体中间储罐应设置在单独房间内,其容积不应大于 1m3。设置该中间储罐的 房间,其围护构件的耐火极限不应低于二级耐火等级建筑的相应要求,房间的门应采用甲级防火门。" 呢? in Code of Design on Building Fire Protection and Prevention GB50016-2006?
The item is written in Bold type, so it is considered as compulsory. When we visit factory with diesel generation, or other metal processing company with diesel-fueled melting furnace and so on, most of their daily tank are erected in the some place which is not separated from workshop. Especially, when several generator and furnaces are erected, should several separated room are built for the Diesel daily tank? That is really unreasonable per my understanding. 本段为大写字体,即强制条款。可是我们看到的工厂中如果带有发电房或者要使用柴油做燃料的熔炉,一般中间油箱不会是在独立的房间。尤其是在有多个需要用柴油做燃料的设备用在一起时,难道要建多个独立存放油箱的房间个个用甲级防火门。
Please share me your understanding to the item at your convenience. Thanks a million tons.
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