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发布于:2007-03-10 13:54:10 来自:给排水工程/给排水资料库 [复制转发]
Typically, concrete basins are used。
However, in some cases, steel is used depending on the cost evaluation of the plant construction。
The number of basins used in the ICEAS process is a function of flow and loading to the plant and the guidelines established by individual Government Agencies。
Sanitaire has experience in designing systems built using a single basin to a multitude of parallel basins。
The continuous flow feature of the ICEAS process facilitates single basin system design and operation without the need for influent flow equalization or a second basin。

Time based cycles are used in sizing the ICEAS process。
A normal cycle is designed to handle the Average Dry Weather Flow (ADWF) and Peak Dry Weather Flow (PDWF) to the plant。
A storm cycle is used to handle the storm flows。
The storm cycle operates with a shorter duration compared to the normal cycle so that higher flows can be processed by the system。
Typically, the ICEAS process can be designed to handle 3 to 6 times the average flow conditions。
The maximum volume required for the average, peak and storm flows are determined based on the cycle times。
This volume is the total flow received by the basin from the start of the cycle until the beginning of the decant phase and is defined as basin “Drawdown”。
The basin drawdown extends from the designated Top Water Level (TWL) to the Bottom Water Level (BWL)。
The ability to accommodate a Peak Wet Weather Flow (PWWF) of 6 times the ADWF is due to many ICEAS concepts。
The ability to have a special “storm” cycle with decanter speed control is very important。This cannot be achieved with conventional SBRs using fixed or floating decanters。SBR’s with floating decanters are usually limited to a PWWF of 3 times the ADWF。

The influent BOD and ammonia loadings determine the mass of biomass required in the basin。
Typically, F:M ratios are used in determining the mass of the biomass for a given BOD loading in conjunction with minimum sludge age requirements for the nitrification process。
The typical Food:Microorganism (F:M) ratios used in design of the ICEAS process are in the range of 0。05 to 0。12 lb。BOD/lb。MLSS/day。
The Sludge Volume Index (SVI) is used to determine the volume occupied by the calculated mass of biomass in the basin。
The Typical SVI value used in the design of the ICEAS process is in the range of 150 to 200 ml/g。
In each cycle, a measured amount of sludge is wasted。
This allows the ICEAS process to operate in a steady state condition maintaining a desired Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS) concentration and Mean Cell Residence Time (MCRT) or Sludge Age (SA)。

The design volume of the basin is based on a combination of the volume required for the hydraulics based on the peak wet weather flow conditions and the volume occupied by the sludge。
A “Buffer Zone” is included in the design as a safety factor to ensure the ICEAS process’s ability to withstand the unusual flows and loadings that are typical in wastewater treatment plants。
This zone is typically a minimum of three feet deep, extending from the top of sludge blanket to the BWL after decanting。

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  • cbaiyang
    cbaiyang 沙发
    2007-03-23 23:16:23

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  • patriot_007
    patriot_007 板凳
    2007-03-23 11:36:23

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ICEAS BASIN SIZINGBASINSTypically, concrete basins are used。However, in some cases, steel is used depending on the cost evaluation of the plant construction。The number of basins used in the ICEAS process is a function of flow and loading to the plant and the guidelines established by individual Government Agencies。


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