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发布于:2007-03-01 20:04:01 来自:建筑设计/公共建筑设计 [复制转发]
Foster & Partners - Millennium Tower
Tokyo is among the ’megacities’ forecast to exceed populations of fifteen million by 2020. The Millennium Tower scheme challenges assumptions about such future cities. It presents a timely solution to the social challenges of urban expansion on this scale and to the particular problems of Tokyo, with its acute land shortages. Commissioned by the Obayashi Corporation, it provides 1.04 million square metres of commercial development, stands 170 storeys high and is the world’s tallest projected building.
Rising out of Tokyo Bay, two kilometres offshore, the tower is capable of housing a community of up to 60,000 people, generating its own energy, processing its own waste and with its own transportation system. This vertical city quarter is self-sustaining and virtually self-sufficient.
The lower levels accommodate offices, light manufacturing and ’clean’ industries such as consumer electronics. Above are apartments, while the topmost section houses communications systems and wind and solar generators, interspersed with restaurants and viewing platforms to exploit the spectacular views.
A high-speed ’metro’ system - with cars designed to carry 160 people - tracks both vertically and horizontally, moving through the building at twice the rate of conventional express lifts. Cars stop at intermediate ’sky centres’ at every thirtieth floor; from there, individual journeys may be completed via lifts or escalators. This continuous cycle reduces travel times - an important factor in a vertical city, no less than a horizontal one. The five-storey sky centres have different principal functions - one might include a hotel, another a department store. Each is articulated with mezzanines, terraces and gardens to encourage a sense of place.
Developed in response to the hurricane-strength wind forces and earthquakes for which the region is notorious, the tower’s conical structure, with its helical steel cage, is inherently stable. It provides decreasing wind resistance towards the top - where it is completely open - and increasing width and strength towards the base to provide earthquake resistance.
The project demonstrates that high-density or high-rise living does not mean overcrowding or hardship; it can lead to an improved quality of life, where housing, work and leisure facilities are all close at hand.

Area: 1.040.000 m2
Height: 840 m
Client: Obayashi Corporation
Consultants: Obayashi Corporation



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只看楼主 我来说两句
  • jianzhuxiaochao
    给大家几个风玫瑰图 dwg
    2013-11-15 12:11:15

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  • mzneng236
    mzneng236 板凳
    2008-12-28 20:08:28

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自己总结的一点东西,和大家分享,也希望大家多多帮助完善!徽派建筑的特色:徽派建筑的特色主要体现在村落民居、祠堂庙宇、牌坊和园林等建筑实体中。其风格最为鲜明的是大量遗存的传统民居村落,从选址、设计、造型、结构、布局到装饰美化都集中反映了徽州的山地特征、风水意愿和地域美饰倾向。 徽州村落的选址大多严格遵循中国传统风水规则进行,山水环抱,山明水秀,追求理想的人居环境和山水意境,被誉为“中国画里的乡村”。受传统风水“水为财源”观念的影响,寄命于商的徽州人尤其重视村落的“水口”,建构了一些独具特色的水口园林。徽式宅第结体多为多进院落式集合形式(小型者多为三合院式),体现了徽州人“聚族而居”的特点。一般均坐北朝南,倚山面水,讲求风水价值。布局以中轴线对称分列,面阔三间,中为厅堂,两侧为厢房,厅堂前方称天井,采光通风。院落相套,造就出纵深自足性家庭的生活空间。民居外观整体性和美感很强,高墙封闭,马头翘角,墙线错落有致,黑瓦白墙,色泽典雅大方。装饰方面,清砖门罩、石雕漏窗、木雕楹柱与建筑物融为一体,使房屋精美如诗,堪为徽式宅第的一大特色。徽州的祠堂和牌坊也是徽派建筑中的重要建筑形式。村皆有祠,祠一般均规模宏大,富丽堂皇。而散缀各地的各式牌坊,则是古代徽州人文景观的重要组成部分。


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