Ten Landscape Strategies To Build Urban Ecological Infrastructure
Yu Kongjian Li Diehua Chao Luomeng
Beijing University Center for Landscape Architecture and Planning
Abstract: Just as urban civic infrastructure, the urban ecological infrastructure plays the fundamental role for the sustainable ecological services that the city and urban residents can enjoy. Facing the fast urbanization process in China, a future-oriented ecological infrastructure is strategically important for every city. This paper proposed ten landscape strategies to establish such future-oriented ecological infrastructure, including: 1)keep and restore connectivity of the overall natural landscapes; 2)protect and restore diverse native habitats; 3)preserve and restore natural forms of rivers and seashores; 4)protect and restore wetland system; 5)integrate suburban greenbelts into urban green space systems; 6) establish auto-free greenways; 7)open unite green space; 8)dissolve parks into urban green matrix; 9)protect agricultural fields and integrated them into the green matrix of the built up urban area; 10)establish native plants nurserys. These ten strategies are ways to establish an ecological infrastructure for the sustainable urban development in the future of centuries to come.
Key words: ecological infrastructure, greenways, ecological planning, urban design, open space system, landscape
一、 引言:城市生态基础设施
这里要讨论的是另一类城市可持续发展所依赖的基础设施,即生态基础设施(Ecological Infrastructure )(Mander, Jagonaegi, et al. 1988; Selm and Van, 1988.)。本质上讲它是城市所依赖的自然系统,是城市及其居民能持续地获得自然服务(Natures Services)(Costanza等1992,Daily,,1997)的基础,这些生态服务包括提供新鲜空气、食物、体育、休闲娱乐、安全庇护以及审美和教育等等。它不仅包括习惯的城市绿地系统的概念,而是更广泛地包含一切能提供上述自然服务的城市绿地系统、林业及农业系统、自然保护地系统。
早在一百多年前(1879-1895),Olmsted和Eliot就将公园、林荫道与查尔斯河谷以及沼泽、荒地连接起来,规划了至今成为波斯顿骄傲的"蓝宝石项链"(Emerald Necklace)(Walmsley, Anthony,1988)。在1883年,景观设计师克里夫兰得(Cleveland)为美国密尼苏达的麦尼阿不里斯(Minneapolis)做规划,当时这
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