Our Feedback Program provides Autodesk customers worldwide with an exciting opportunity to be involved in developing our product lines.
The goal of our Feedback Program is to give you, our customer, a voice that helps drive the development of Autodesk’s products. We have programs with small commitments of your time (e.g. answer product related survey questions) or programs that are more hands on such as Usability Testing or Beta Testing Programs where you can take future products out for a test drive.
Beta Testing Program:
• Beta testing is our most comprehensive feedback program.
• Beta sites are provided with prerelease copies of software and draft documentation for evaluation.
• Regular contact with Autodesk is expected.
• To participate in the Beta Testing Program, Sign Up for a MyFeedback account
Providing Feedback:
• Surveys are published regularly on Autodesk products.
• Some projects may be discussion or conversation based..
• All feedback is reviewed carefully.
• Some surveys ask for contact information to interview the respondents in further detail.
• To participate in Surveys or Feedback Projects, Sign Up for a MyFeedback account
Usability Sessions:
• Usability Engineering sessions generally involve one–on-one time with a Usability Engineer
• During the session you will be analyzing new concepts and features of an upcoming product release and will help with your design ideas.
• The typical session lasts about 60-75 minutes.
• Conducted remotely or in the lab (San Rafael, CA USA)
• To participate in Usability, Sign Up for a MyFeedback account
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只看楼主 我来说两句抢地板Welcome!
Our Feedback Program provides Autodesk customers worldwide with an exciting opportunity to be involved in developing our product lines.
The goal of our Feedback Program is to give you, our customer, a voice that helps drive the development of Autodesk’s products. We have programs with small commitments of your time (e.g. answer product related survey questions) or programs that are more hands on such as Usability Testing or Beta Testing Programs where you can take future products out for a test drive.
Beta Testing Program:
• Beta testing is our most comprehensive feedback program.
• Beta sites are provided with prerelease copies of software and draft documentation for evaluation.
• Regular contact with Autodesk is expected.
• To participate in the Beta Testing Program, Sign Up for a MyFeedback account
Providing Feedback:
• Surveys are published regularly on Autodesk products.
• Some projects may be discussion or conversation based..
• All feedback is reviewed carefully.
• Some surveys ask for contact information to interview the respondents in further detail.
• To participate in Surveys or Feedback Projects, Sign Up for a MyFeedback account
Usability Sessions:
• Usability Engineering sessions generally involve one–on-one time with a Usability Engineer
• During the session you will be analyzing new concepts and features of an upcoming product release and will help with your design ideas.
• The typical session lasts about 60-75 minutes.
• Conducted remotely or in the lab (San Rafael, CA USA)
• To participate in Usability, Sign Up for a MyFeedback account
回复 举报
参与AutoCAD2008 Beta 测试——帮你快递新鲜的创意
Autodesk是世界领先的设计软件和数字内容创建公司,我们服务的客户遍及建筑业、制造业、基础设施业、媒体与娱乐以及数字定位服务行业。我们的用户反馈Feedback)计划给Autodesk全球的用户提供了一个参与我们产品开发的机会。Feedback计划的目标是让我们的客户对Autodesk产品的开发也能拥有发言权。Beta 活动是我们的Feedback计划中最全面的用户反馈活动。
本次Beta活动的目标是选择全球客户试用alpha/Beta 版本的AutoCAD2008( 软件代码Spago),协助验证软件的质量。从2006年10月至2007年1月,我们将有数个Alpha和Beta版本发布。
我们邀请您登陆http://myfeedback.autodesk.com 申请参加我们的Beta活动。(你在此网站提供的信息将被严格保密,并且仅用于AutoCAD未来产品设计和研究)我们会根据客户兴趣,意愿,硬件环境,能够投入的时间,和其他相关背景资料来确定参加活动的用户。如果您被选定为Beta用户,我们在此网点提供给您Beta版的软件拷贝,技术文档,论坛,最新产品消息,和相关活动信息, 并且要求您签署相关保密协议。
技术支持联系 姜慧
Email: hui.jiang@autodesk.com
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