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讲一口地道英文对策Speaking good English isn’t difficult if you are ready to spend time on it and have more patience. In order to make it all you have to do is conquer some 200-300 sentence patterns and about 2000 words. This is absolutely not nonsense. If you read any situational English book and try to collect all the useful words and sentence patterns from it, you’ll know what I am saying here is definitely correct!
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只看楼主 我来说两句抢地板1. Child’s play & 儿戏
Child’s play的意思是“非常容易做的事情,不大重要的事情”。《朗曼当代英语词典》的解释是"something very easy to do, something not very important";而汉语的“儿戏”则用来比喻“对重要的工作或事情不负责,不认真”。
2. Eat ones words & 食言
Eat ones words的意思是“收回说过的话,承认前言有失,说错了”,而且还带有一定的感情色彩,是羞惭地,不光彩地认错。如果一个人不得不"eat ones words", 《简明牛津词典》解释说,他就得"retract them in humiliating manner";而汉语“食言”是说一个人“说话不算数,不守信,不履行诺言”。
3. Dog eats dog & 狗咬狗
Dog eats dog的语用涵义是凭动物本身的力量战胜对手,激烈竞争,进行一场"fair play",而不是汉语语意中的贬义的互相勾心斗角,更不是坏人之间的内讧残杀。值得注意的是,"dog"在英美的形象非但没有一点点的可恶,而且要可爱的多。
4. It is a wise father that knows his child & 知子莫如父
乍一看,两句成语意思相近,其实涵义相反。汉语强调父亲最了解孩子;英语却用"It is (a wise father) that…"这种句型来反衬即使是父亲也不一定了解孩子。
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