• FLEXLAST (FLEXible Load Analysing Simulation Tool)
The development of FLEXLAST started at Stork Product Engineering, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, in 1982. Since 1990 the code has been used for the design and certification for Dutch companies as well as for foreign companies.
• FOCUS (Fatigue Optimization Code Using Simulations)
FOCUS is an integrated design tool for structural optimization of rotor blades. It is developed by Stork Product Engineering, the Stevin Laboratory, and the Institute for Wind Energy, the latter two from Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. FOCUS consists of four main modules, SWING (stochastic wind generation), FLEXLAST (calculation load time cycles), FAROB (structural blade modeling), and Graph (output handling).
• GAROS (General Analysis of ROtating Structures)
GAROS is a general purpose program for the dynamic analysis of coupled elastic rotating and nonrotating structures with special attention to horizontal-axis wind turbines. The development of GAROS started in 1979 at aerodyn Energiesysteme GmbH.
• GAST (General Aerodynamic and Structural Prediction Tool for Wind Turbines)
GAST is developed at the Fluids Section of the National Technical University of Athens, Greece for performing complete simulations of the behavior of wind turbines over a wide range of different operational conditions. It includes a simulator of turbulent wind fields, time-domain aero-elastic analysis of the full wind turbine configuration, and post-processing of loads for fatigue analysis.
• HAWC (Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Code)
The aero-elastic code HAWC is developed at the Wind Energy Department of Risø National Laboratory, Denmark. Besides acting as a “test stand” for improved aeroelastic modeling, this code is used for intermediate horizontal-axis wind turbine design studies.
• PHATAS-IV (Program for Horizontal Axis wind Turbine Analysis and Simulation, version IV)
The PHATAS code is developed at the Dutch Energy Research Foundation (ECN) unit Renewable Energy, Petten, The Netherlands for the calculation of the non-linear dynamic behavior and the corresponding loads of a horizontal-axis, wind turbine (both onshore and offshore) in time domain.
The program TWISTER is developed at Stentec B.V., Heeg, The Netherlands, in order to analyse the behavior of horizontal-axis wind turbines. TWISTER is the successor of FKA.
VIDYN is a simulation program for static and dynamic analysis of horizontal-axis wind turbines. The development of VIDYN began in 1983 at Teknikgruppen AB, Sollentuna, Sweden, as part of the evaluation projects concerning two large, Swedish prototypes Maglarp and Nassuden.
• YawDyn (Yaw Dynamics computer program)
YawDyn is developed at the Mechanical Engineering Department of University of Utah, United States of America with the support of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Wind Research Branch for the analysis of the yaw motions or loads of a horizontal-axis constant rotational speed wind turbine with a rigid or teetering hub, and two or three blades. The aerodynamic subroutines from YawDyn, i.e. AeroDyn, have been modified for use with the ADAMS/WT program. This code is intended to be used to obtain quick estimates of preliminary design loads, since the structural dynamics model contained in YawDyn is extremely simple.
它山之石,可以攻玉。看看人家做了些什么,或许可以启发我们可以做些什么。In the wind energy community, the following design codes are commonly used to model and simulate the wind turbine dynamic behavior, as well as to carry out design calculations.
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