土木在线论坛 \ 给排水工程 \ 给排水资料库 \ this forum needs be improved right away.

this forum needs be improved right away.

发布于:2003-08-07 20:37:07 来自:给排水工程/给排水资料库 [复制转发]
today i find a book of magzine. its name is english sky i named this.
on its opinion, we can study from three facts in english. its knowledge, skills, techniques(pronouciation can be wrong). then these facts all involve ....(to be continued)

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只看楼主 我来说两句抢地板
  • yefei_wolaile
    yefei_wolaile 沙发
    of course. its important you can often come here.
    you can note these ideas as you did it today.
    i think we shoud require some basic forum including some simple easy question, on the same time, wo can set up some professional forum, what do you think so?
    but, its very necessary that wo can impress more and more english studyers. basic and professional is our identity.
    2003-08-09 17:24:09

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  • lcf1788
    lcf1788 板凳
    But what do you think we should do? Would do you give some ideas?
    2003-08-09 01:46:09

    回复 举报



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