GeotechLinks ( is a free internet link directory for geotechnical engineers and researchers where you can find internet links to online free books, manuals, thesis, papers, reports and lecture notes. The links are classified in different categories and sub-categories. GeotechLinks is updated regularly and currently contains more than 1400 links and the current rate of downloading is more than 10,000 documents per month. I would like to mention some update news and remarks to a better use and development of GeotechLinks:
1- An internal search box is developed for the site. It allows you to search in the documents titles, Authors name or the documents descri ptions. For a better use of the search box avoid the long search phrases and use just the keywords. For searching the authors use only the surname.
2- A new category is just added for Lecture Notes. It is a good possibility to share the lecture notes between the lecturers and students of different universities. If you are a lecturer and you have some lecture notes online, you can contact me ( and I will put them in the site.
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4- A new page is added for Top Ten Links where you can see the ten most downloaded links.
5- Classification of links and definition of categories and sub-categories is under development. Your suggestions, ideas and comments are welcome.
6- If you are a researcher or graduate student, don抰 forget to take a look at Rheology of Geomaterials page.
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zz from现代桩基工程历史回顾H.G.POLOS是60年代毕业,成名于70年代的代表作是<Pile foundation analysis and design>(1980),主要贡献是系统的发展、总结了弹性理论法,可以称为弹性理论法的集大成者。而M.F.RANDOLPH是1978年从剑桥大学毕业,其博士论文中系统提出了剪切位移法, 该方法在弹性理论法和荷载传递法之间建立了联系的桥梁。该方法大大简化了桩基的分析;对于单桩,该方法使得简单的解析算法也可以获得弹性理论法的精度。弹性理论法的核心,也即相互作用系数,也可以通过解析的算法获得。因此,M.F.RANDOLPH的工作马上被认可,并广为流传。 80年代中后期,Houston的O’Neil以及NUS的Y,K,CHOW提出发展了杂交法,结合了以上各种方法的特点,兼顾了计算效率和效果,并回避使用相互作用系数的概念,因此可以考虑到群桩的加筋效应和遮帘效应,获得了广泛发展。90年代以后国外发展的各类群桩、桩筏计算方法都是基于杂交法的,如1993年H.G POULOS学生的CLANCY方法,最近兴起的新秀、REPUTE公司的Dr Baisile都是采用的这种方法。当然,也有有限层(J.C.SMALL),复合元等方法的报道,但是其影响范围以及使用程度远远不及前者。GEOTECHNIQUE近30年来的30期郎肯讲座中,有两期是讲桩的。一个是1989年POULOS做的,一个是2003年RANDOLPH做的。事实上,POULOS自己对RANDOLPH也一直评价很高,无论是在公共场合,还是在私下都极力推崇M.F.RANDOLPH的工作。所以,一定要把H.G.POULOS和RANDOLPH做一个高低比较很很难的。
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