*** WARNING *** CP = 8.219 TIME= 15:07:08
Out of the 16945 defined elements, only 100 elements are selected.
*** WARNING *** CP = 8.234 TIME= 15:07:08
Coupled node set 49 has unused node 100621.
*** WARNING *** SUPPRESSED MESSAGE CP = 8.562 TIME= 15:07:10
Small negative equation solver pivot term encountered at UY DOF of node
1324. Check for an insufficiently constrained model.
*** ERROR *** SUPPRESSED MESSAGE CP = 8.562 TIME= 15:07:10
The value of UY at node 1218 is 1.828820271E+13. It is greater than
the current limit of 1000000. This generally indicates rigid body
motion as a result of an unconstrained model. Verify that your model
is properly constrained.
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只看楼主 我来说两句 抢板凳回复 举报