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Do you prefer to live in

发布于:2006-04-07 20:49:07 来自:人才招聘/学生专栏 [复制转发]

I prefer to live in the big city than in the small city.

There are many reasons explain that I select the big city. Firstly, I think that live in the big city is helpful for the development of individual. The economic development in the big city is better than in the small one. I am a graduate student, I have read so many books and get so much knowledge, and so I really hope to have achievements. In the big city, the possibility of success is more than in the small city. Live there, there are better, larger companies to offer the opportunities of the development to us. With the development of the economy and the civilization in the world, in the 21st century, knowledge and information will be more important. In the big city, I can get them rapidly then utilize them quickly. For us, the big city is the place near the dream.

Second, I think I can live more convenient in the big city. If I live in the small city, maybe there is nothing what I want or I could buy it far from where I live. On the other hand, I can buy anything I want and needn ’ t run very far in the big city. The traffic is more convenient and there are various traffic tools and I can spend the lest time to arrive where I want. It is helpful for person ’ s communication and social contact.

The last reason is that, I like play. In the big city there are the best facilities. Small city is suit for relax and the big city is suit for entertainment.


So I prefer to live in the big city.

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  • happle68
    happle68 沙发
    me,too.in big city ,you have more chances to improve your oral
    2006-04-15 17:15:15

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  • 高级制图工
    big city, but modernization and civilization ones i like most.
    2006-04-12 08:35:12

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1 对大多数人来说,新的一天是从中午开始的 2 懒的人或者无所事事,或者泡网,玩游戏,但是勤奋的人都是在学习外语 3 许多人光顾自动售货机的主要目的并不是为了买吃的或者饮料 4 大一时不知道该做什么,大四时知道了已经晚了--大学的老师并未对大学生很重要的人生规划做出一定的指导。 5 别以为牌子好点混到毕业就完事,毕业时就知道大学生有多么不值钱了--没有一技之长很难立足,而这一技之长未必非得是你不喜欢的专业课。


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