The marine structures, bridges required salt to thaw ice and the others exposed in adversecircumstances (such as salt-marsh, alkaline soil), are easy to be subjected to corrode by CL-.This leads the structures to be damaged early, and brings bigger harms for their safety,durability and reliability. The problem has been given rise to extensive attention and become afocus of research. Based on domestic and foreign result previously, combined with the projectof National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.59878031), through a series ofexperiments, this paper did some research on crack, warp and broken mechanism of corrodedmembers with the methods of test and nonlinear finite element analysis. The work havingbeen done in this paper is forward:1.This paper has been studied the CL-how to spread inside concrete, damage the protectivemembrane of steel rod, and corrode the both concrete and steel rod. Then analyzed theinfluences over spread factor of CL-and corrosion of steel rod. Established the stresscalculable model of crystallizing and expanding of CL-inside concrete, and the calculableformula being used for assessing the corrosive extent of steel rod. Sum up various examiningand measuring methods of concentration, spread of CL-and corrosion of steel rod.2.On the base of detailed discussion about relationship between stress and strain of concreteunder the complicated stress and the mechanism of cohesion broken between steel rod andconcrete, a nonlinear analytical method to study the corrosive reinforced concrete memberswas brought forward. This laid a mechanical foundation for nonlinear finite element analysisof the reinforced concrete members for next chapters.3.By way of the accelerated experiment of reinforced concrete members corroded by salt, thechanges of mechanical property for the obverse, oblique section of reinforced concrete beamsand short column pressed at axis were investigated. The experimental result was analyzed byusing nonlinear finite element, and then applying the theory of limited equilibrium, calculablemodels of corroded beam and column were put forward.4.The distribution law of CL-inside concrete was studied. Based on the measured density ofCL-inside concrete, a calculable formula of “corresponding time” for the experimentalmembers was worked out. This formula laid a solid foundation for the work in laboratory tostudy on the changes of mechanical property of existing corrosive reinforced concretemembers.
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