土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 建筑资料库 \ 斜拉桥结构基于模态分析的减震控制


发布于:2011-03-03 10:42:03 来自:建筑设计/建筑资料库 [复制转发]
The cable-stayed bridge is a new type of structures with long-spans and flexibility. The bridges are much attractive to domestic and oversea scholars, engineers and technicians because of their low cost, appealing aesthetics and their overcrossing ability. Much attention has been paid to this kind of bridges for structural analysis and seismic design. On the other hand, achievements have been obtained in building structural control in recent years. But up to now researches are as open ended as possible for reducing seismic response of long-span bridge with structural active control techniques. So, the research is carried out for active control of reducing seismic response of cable-stayed bridge based on the mode analysis.The research work mainly focuses on the following aspects:The analysis model of reducing seismic response for cable-stayed bridge is established in Chapter 2. Two samples of cable-stayed bridge without structural control are also analyzed for dynamic performances and seismic responses. The modified mode combination method is used in the analysis of seismic response.The algorithm of the linear quadratic optimization control is derived for reducing seismic response based on the mode analysis in Chapter 3, and the simulating control analysis is made for a simple sample of cantilever beam.The simulating control analysis are made, in Chapter 4, for two samples of cable-stayed bridges using the algorithm of linear quadratic optimization control for reducing the seismic response based on the mode analysis.The algorithm of sliding mode control is derived in Chapter 5 for reducing seismic response based on the mode analysis, and the simulating control analysis is proceeded on the same simple sample of cantilever beam used in Chapter 3.The simulating control analysis on two samples of cable-stayed bridge is carried out in Chapter 6 using algorithm of sliding mode control for the reduction of seismic response based on the mode analysis.Through this study, it is feasible to use the control technology based on mode analysis, both the linear quadratic optimization control and the sliding mode control. The sliding mode control, which is better than the linear quadratic optimization, achieved ideal control result by using comparatively less external energy. The sliding mode control method is valuable to study.



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本文以华南某码头为工程实例,针对桩基码头的工程问题,通过现场观测、离心模型试验、砂槽模型试验和有限元数值模拟分析,着重研究由堆场填土和地面荷载引起的岸坡变形及其对码头桩基的影响,并提出相应的码头桩基-岸坡稳定分析和桩基性状的简化计算方法。 首先根据Mohr-Coulomb屈服准则推导了半无限土坡在坡项竖向荷载作用下的应力计算公式。研究表明,在坡顶荷载q作用下,半无限土坡将经历弹性—弹塑性的变化过程。当q小于临塑荷载qp时,土坡处于弹性状态,当q=qp时,土坡处于临塑状态,从临塑角处开始出现塑性变形。随着q的继续增大,塑性区不断扩大,土坡处于弹塑性状态,当q等于极限荷载qf时,土坡达到极限平衡状态,坡内应力可分为三个区。文中还给出了半无限土坡临塑角θp、临塑荷载系数Np和弹塑性状态的θ1值的计算图表。 桩基码头中,岸坡变形的影响几乎是无法避免的。为此,趁湛江港某码头一期工程修复之际,在结构和岸坡中埋设和安装了钢筋计、反力计和测斜管,以测定6#斜桩的受力、后方承台对前方承台的水平推力、深层土体的水平位移。观测结果发现,6#桩的轴向拉力还有增长的趋势,桩顶受到了一个朝海方向弯矩的作用,水平推力虽然不大,但一直在增长,深层土体几乎没有水平位移。这些结果表明,在码头竣工初期,以侧向变形为主,引起码头向前位移。经过4~5年后,其影响可能逐渐衰减,而岸坡中不均匀沉降的影响可能慢慢上升为控制因素。


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