被动控制装置大体上可分为吸能型、耗能型和隔震型三类,从能量的观点看,三者的控制机理都不相同,本文提出了将不同类型的控制装置进行组合,扬长避短,发挥各自的控制优势。 现有的结构随机控制研究,大多只涉及风荷载或地震作用,且随机模型参数的选取带有很大的主观性,严重脱离实际。能否使结构控制设计和传统的结构设计方法一样,分别进行风荷载计算,地震荷载计算,以及做到风、地震荷载作用下内力的组合呢?本文首先探讨了吸能型TMD(或TLD)和耗能型阻尼器的组合控制系统,对多、高层建筑结构的控制。把脉动风看作具有零均值的高斯随机过程,采用Davenport沿高度不变风速谱,地震动随机模型则采用平稳过滤有声噪声模型,运用等价线性化技术,对组合控制进行风振控制效果和地震控制效果系统分析和对比,并详细研究了基本风压、设防烈度、场地土类别等对减振率的影响。由于地震过程具有非常明显的非平稳特性,为了准确刻划结构地震反应上升段、平稳段和衰减段的实质,本文建立了一整套完备的非平稳随机分析方法,分别在频域和时域内对结构控制性态作深入研究,并将该方法推广到复数域,导出受阻尼器控制具有非比例阻尼特性的高层建筑在地震作用下体系响应的时变功率谱密度函数矩阵,通过构造方程把非平稳随机问题转化为确定性问题,将传统的实模态叠加法和迭代法相结合,把不能解耦的构造方程转化为控制方程求解,避免了复数运算,减少了计算工作量,且计算结果精度高、收敛速度快。 基础隔震是一种非常优秀的减震方案,但是由于隔震后结构底层楼地面位移较大,影响了基础隔震系统的使用,为了克服这一缺点,采用吸振装置进行组合控制,不仅可提高层间位移的控制效果,而且还可大大地降低底层楼地面的位移。文中提出的以基础隔震系统的阻尼比代替第一振型阻尼比的简化算法,计算结果能得到很好的精度。 本文所有随机参数的选取都按照现有的结构设计规范和风、地震特性的实际情况,真正做到了把组合控制理论变成实用的结构控制设计方法,文中给出了大量的算例,计算结果表明组合控制效果非常显著,具有实际推广应用价值。
The passive control devices used in civil engineering, namely, energy transmis sion, energy dissipation and isolation devices, are different from each other in con trol principles. It is necessary to use some kinds of passive control equipment simulta neously to reduce the responses of multistory and tall buildings when only one device cannot limit the responses within designing indices. Some combined control systems incorporated the advantages of each device in a body are presented in this paperThe study on stochastic structural control in recent only considering wind loads or earthquacke loads, and the stochastic model parameters with personality are sepa rated from practice. Can the stochastic control design for structural seismic and windresistance be according to current design codes? The combined control system of tuned mass/liquid damper (TMD/TLD) and energy—absorbing dampers for multisto ry and tall buildings is discussed in this paper. Taking wind force as the zero—mean Gaussian stationary random process, and the modified random process model of earth quake ground motion corresponding to the Aseismic Design Code GBJ11 — 89 about three level intensity, site soil class and far seismic area, using equivalent lineariza— tion technique for culculating the responses of the structure with and without con trollers, a comparison of the control effectiveness of the combined control system up on wind loads with that under earthquake loading conditions is made. A modal itera tion method for the response analysis of non—proportional damped systems subjected to nonstationary random excitations with arising, stationary, and desending parts is proposed in the paper. The auto— and cross—PSD function matrix of the structural responses is described firstly by means of the complex modal method bcause of the evi dent damping levels of the damping controllers. The non—proportional damping ma trix is divided into two parts: the proportional part for dissipation of energy and the non—proportional part for transmission of energy. The coupled equations in general ized coordinates are solved by an iterative process in which the coupling terms are treated as pseudo—forces. Numerical circulations show the good convergence charac teristics of the process and the good accuracy of the obtained results.
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