土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 建筑资料库 \ 建筑策划的基本理论与应用方法


发布于:2011-03-02 14:54:02 来自:建筑设计/建筑资料库 [复制转发]
The study on basic theory and applying methods of Extension Architectural Program (EAP) is a intersecting studying issue of Architectural area and Extenics area. It is an important part of study on basic theory and applying methods of Extension Architectural Program and Design—project supported by the NSFC’S(National Natural Science Foundation of China) Funding, 50678043,2007-2009 . The purpose of study is using the good point of Extenics to supplement the deficiency of Architectural Program. So the study of Architectural Program can develop towards more rational and more scientific direction. being one branch of the project supported by the NSFC’S Funding, Extension thought and Extension Program theory are drawn into the study on theory and methods of Architectural Program in Paper, using multi-subjects intersecting studying methods. The study on basic theory of EAP, thinking model, analyzing methods, transforming methods, and excellent standard evaluating method, constructs a whole system of theory and methods of EAP.The study on basic theory of EAP is on the basis of Architectural Program theory, Extension thought and Extension Program theory. It settles a theory foundation of practical applying of EAP. This part proposes meaning and characteristics of EAP, introduces the type and flow of EAP, founds model system for describing the program thought process, and proposes a concept of extension architectural program element.The study on thinking model of EAP is on the basis of creation Extension Program thinking model, discussing applying of four kinds of thinking models in EAP. It provides a forming thinking model for tactics generation of EAP. This part discourses applied ranges and flows of the four thinking models, after discoursing them. What is more, it explains how to apply the four thinking models depending on supposing to describe the thought process of existing architecture example creation.The study on analyzing methods of EAP is on the basis of extension analyzing methods, discussing the applying of extension analyzing methods on EAP. It provides forming analyzing methods for solving contradictories and innovating in EAP. This part carries out from four aspects: site program, architectural space program, architectural figure program, and architectural technology program, on base of discoursing extension analyzing methods. It analyzes practical projects which writer participates or describes the thought process of existing architecture example creation with extension analyzing methods. This reveals intuitively how to applying extension analyzing methods on architectural program projects to find the ways to solve contradictories or innovate.The study on transforming methods of EAP is on the basis of extension transforming methods, discussing the applying of extension transforming methods on EAP. It provides forming transforming methods for solving contradictories and innovating in EAP. This part carries out from three aspects: incompatible problem, opposing problems, and coexisting innovation problems, on base of discoursing extension transforming methods. It analyzes practical projects which writer participates or describes the thought process of existing architecture example creation with extension transforming methods. This reveals intuitively how to applying extension transforming methods on architectural program projects to transform contradictory problems and coexist innovation problems.The study on excellent standard evaluating method of EAP is on the basis of excellent standard evaluating method of extenics, discussing the applying of excellent standard evaluating method on the evaluating process of EAP. It adds a new evaluating method for tactics evaluating of EAP. This part introduces concepts and characteristics of excellent standard evaluating method, discourses objects and principle of EAP evaluating, founds evaluating index system for tactics evaluating of EAP, discusses excellent standard evaluating flow of EAP tactics, and simulates excellent standard evaluating process of tactics using existing architecture example.In a word, the study on basic theory and applying methods of EAP constructs a theory framework of EAP, and forms EAP methods for architectural program practice and education in the end, though Architectural Program theory, Extension thought and Extension Program theory intersecting. Firstly, it adds new theories and methods for architectural program area. Secondly, it provides forming tools for describing architectural program thought process. Thirdly, it expends applied range of Extension thought and methods.



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结构健康监测是近年来工程领域的一个研究热点。本文主要基于虚拟变形法(Virtual Distortion Method, VDM)对结构健康监测中动态荷载识别、荷载损伤共同识别及其在车-桥耦合系统的应用进行了系统研究,主要内容如下:1.提出基于形函数和移动时间窗的荷载识别方法,改善了荷载识别中反卷积方法在时域里计算效率低、对噪声敏感等不足。荷载形函数方法借鉴有限元中单元形函数的概念,将荷载的时间历程近似为时间梁的变形,利用梁单元的形函数逼近荷载,将识别连续的荷载历程转化为识别离散的时间梁结点的位移,从而显著降低传递系数矩阵的维数,提高计算效率,并改善了逆问题的病态性。移动时间窗方法将动态荷载的时程分段,然后采用逐段识别并交错前进的方式,提高识别效率。两种方法有机结合,不但提高了计算效率,而且降低了对噪声的敏感性,可实现荷载的在线识别。通过一个连续梁的数值算例和一个悬臂梁的试验有效验证了该方法适用于不同类型荷载的离线与在线识别。2.提出虚拟变形等效损伤的荷载与损伤共同识别。虚拟变形法(VDM)是一种快速重分析方法,它引入虚拟变形来反映结构单元参数的变化,通过在初始模型上施加相关的虚拟变形可以很快求出结构模型改变后的响应,无需对结构系统进行重新建模分析。本文利用有限元理论推导和阐述了损伤结构的单元实际变形、虚拟变形和损伤因子之间的关系及其中的物理意义。利用这个关系将单元的损伤(包括非线性损伤)用虚拟变形来等效。把虚拟变形视为与荷载同样引起结构响应的激励,从而利用提出的荷载识别方法(荷载形函数和移动时间窗)结合未损伤结构的模型直接识别虚拟变形和荷载,无需优化迭代,可快速实现荷载与损伤的共同识别,包括损伤大小和损伤类型,能用于离线与在线识别。该方法与约束子结构方法相结合可以识别共存的局部子结构的荷载与损伤。通过一个五跨空间桁架的数值算例(考虑线性损伤和呼吸裂缝两种损伤形式)和悬臂梁试验验证了该方法的有效性。3.提出基于VDM快速重分析思想的荷载与损伤优化识别。虚拟变形等效损伤的共同识别方法要求传感器的数目至少等于荷载数目和损伤单元的虚拟变形数目之和。该方法以损伤因子为优化变量,所需传感器的数目只需大于未知荷载数目。在优化过程中,利用VDM思想能准确地构造给定损伤因子下的系统脉冲响应,避免了重复构造系统参数矩阵,提高了计算效率。并利用二次多项式插值逼近结构响应和损伤因子的关系,然后通过该多项式可快速估计给定损伤下的结构响应,进一步提高优化效率。此外,结合约束子结构方法可实现局部子结构的荷载与损伤共同识别。在一个三跨框架梁的数值算例和悬臂梁试验中,附加质量、单元刚度损伤和未知荷载均能得到有效识别。4.对VDM方法进行扩展,提出移动动态影响矩阵的概念,并利用其实现移动质量的识别。利用移动动态影响矩阵能快速准确地计算移动质量过桥时的结构响应,避免了时时重构移动质量-桥耦合系统的时变参数矩阵。以此为基础,提出耦合系统中移动质量的快速识别方法,避免了直接识别移动荷载中常遇到的病态问题,具有较高的识别精度和计算效率,对噪声鲁棒性强,使用少于移动质量数目的传感器就可以进行精确识别。结合一个简支梁和三跨框架梁的数值算例验证了该方法的有效性。5.移动车辆振动系统模型相比较移动质点模型更接近与实际情况,而且可以反映车的动力行为。鉴于此,本文利用双自由度质量-弹簧阻尼模型模拟移动车辆振动系统。借助VDM的快速重分析思想,以移动车体的参数修正因子为变量优化识别车体参数。每步优化中利用提出的移动动态影响矩阵,避免了时时重构车-桥耦合系统的时变系统参数矩阵,提高了优化速度。并进一步讨论了路面粗糙度对不同车辆简化模型的影响。结合一个框架梁的数值仿真算例验证不同车辆简化模型的识别效果,证实该方法的有效性。6.在前面研究的基础上,提出车-桥耦合系统中移动体参数和结构损伤的共同识别方法,实现利用较少的传感器就可以得到精确的识别结果。并推导了基于伴随变量的快速灵敏度分析方法,首先以移动质量为车辆模型阐述推导主要理论公式;然后考虑路面粗糙度影响,识别双自由度质量-弹簧阻尼模型参数和结构损伤。在一个三跨框架梁数值算例中,针对是否考虑路面粗糙度的影响两种工况,分别进行了移动体参数和桥梁结构损伤的共同识别,算例结果表明识别结果对模型误差、噪声不敏感,识别精度高。


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