土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 建筑资料库 \ 水工钢筋混凝土结构程序开发与应用


发布于:2011-02-26 18:11:26 来自:建筑设计/建筑资料库 [复制转发]
伴随着计算机技术的迅猛发展,非线性分析方法在一些重大水工钢筋混凝土结构分析中得到了日益广泛的应用。针对目前水工钢筋混凝土结构非线性分析中存在的若干问题,在国内外学者研究的基础上,本文主要完成以下研究工作: (1)对大直径钢筋粘结滑移特性进行试验研究。通过4批13个大尺寸钢筋混凝土试件的试验研究得到了小湾拱坝抗震钢筋与混凝土在各级荷载作用下的应变曲线,以及粘结应力和相对滑移沿锚固长度的分布曲线。通过改进试验方法有效避免了在钢筋与混凝土的接触面贴应变片对钢筋与混凝土的粘结状态造成的影响。小湾拱坝的抗震钢筋在循环作用下表现出较好的粘结延性。由试验研究获得了大直径钢筋粘结滑移本构模型。对小湾拱坝抗震钢筋的配置提出若干工程建议。 (2)探索了ANSYS软件的二次开发方法,系统阐述二次开发原理,通过将混合强化模型加入ANSYS模型库,详细介绍了ANSYS二次开发的实现过程。将二次开发成果以及大直径钢筋粘结滑移模型应用于抗震钢筋粘结滑移计算分析中,通过与试验结果比较,验证了开发方法的正确性。 (3)分析了顶板厚度等设计参数对于龙滩升船机塔柱结构动力特性的影响,探讨了用单个塔柱的动力特性分析代替整体塔柱动力特性分析的方法的局限性。应用ANSYS二次开发成果,采用两个地震波对塔柱结构进行了非线性时程反应分析,分析了不同地震波、双向地震作用以及竖向地震作用对于塔柱结构地震响应的影响。 (4)采用pushover方法对龙滩升船机塔柱结构进行了非线性分析。对几种地震作用下评估结构性能的方法进行了比较。针对塔柱结构的特点简化塔柱结构质量离散方法,采用能力谱法对塔柱结构的抗震能力进行评估。分析表明,塔柱结构的抗震延性较好,能够满足工程抗震需要。计算结果与时程分析结果吻合较好,从而验证了能力谱法在塔柱结构地震反应分析中的适用性。 (5)采用空间有限元以及子结构方法对龙滩水电站导流隧洞进水口结构配筋设计方案进行复核与评价。通过空间弹性分析确定了结构设计的控制区域为进水口中墩门槽附近,进而采用空间非线性分析方法考察了中墩门槽附近裂缝开展情况,对原配筋方案作出评价。通过ANSYS二次开发实现了子结构方法中整体模型分析数据向子结构切割边界条件的数据自动传递。
With the rapid development of the computer technology, nonlinear analysis method is widely applied in the analysis of some important hydraulic reinforced concrete structures. This paper is aimed at solving some problems in the non-linear analysis of hydeaulic r.e.s. Based on the studies done at home and abroad, this paper has finished mainly the following work:(1) Experiments have been performed to study the bond-slip behavior between earthquake-resistant bars and the concrete in Xiaowan arch dam. Strain distributions of earthquake-resistant bars and the concrete under different loading levels are obtained. Bond stress and slip distribution along the anchorage length are also obtained. Earthquake-resistant bars show good ductility under cyclic loading. The experimental method is improved to prevent the damage caused by strain gauges between bars and the concrete. The earthquake-resistant bar should be made of steel with the distinct yield. Because this kind of bars not only can limit the opening width of the transverse joints but also can alleviate the cracking of the concrete. The suggested anchorage length of the earthquake-resistant bars is 1200mm. Non-bonding-range is imperative not only for the control of the opening width of transverse joints, but also for the improvement of bond-slip behavior.(2) Based on the ANSYS software, the secondary development of ANSYS is carried out. The method about the secondary development of ANSYS is expatiated systematically. By adding the mixed hardening model and bond-slip model into the model library of ANSYS, the development process is introduced in detail. Finally, by comparing the calculation results with the experimental data of the earthquake-resistant bars, the validity of the secondary development is verified.(3) The influence of the thickness of the upper plate on the dynamic behavior of the tower structure of the ship elevator of Longtan Project is analyzed. The limitation of representing the dynamic behavior of the tower structure as a whole by the dynamic behavior of a single tower structure is discussed in detail. With the application of the program of the secondary development, two sets of earthquake records are used to perform the nonlinear dynamic analysis. The influences of different earthquake records, two-direction dynamic action and vertical dynamic action on the responses of the tower structure are analyzed.(4) Pushover method is used to do the nonlinear static analysis on the tower structure of the ship elevator. The Pushover method is simplified to enhance the efficiency of the analysis. Then, Capacity Spectrum method is used to evaluate the earthquake-resistant capacity of the tower structure of the ship elevator.(5) The three dimensional FEM(Finite Element Method) and the submodeling technique are used to analyze the water intake of the Longtan hydropower station. The influences of the uplift pressure on the foundation base and the slot of the intake are analyzed with the spatial elastic analysis method. The cracking detail in the key zone, near the gate slot, is analyzed with the spatial nonlinear analysis method. Finally, the original reinforcement scheme is evaluated.

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    jfcqlg 沙发
    2017-06-01 10:02:01

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    cyvsmb 板凳
    2017-06-01 09:55:01

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