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发布于:2011-02-26 17:59:26 来自:建筑设计/建筑资料库 [复制转发]
渗滤液的防渗处理是填埋工程最重要的研究问题之一。本文在对填埋场防渗技术研究现状讨论分析的基础上,通过理论分析、室内试验、现场检测、数值模拟以及工程实践相结合,系统研究了粘土固化注浆帷幕对渗滤液的抗渗阻滞作用机理及规律,全面分析了帷幕在填埋场中应用的长期环境效应,主要研究内容如下: (1)粘土固化注浆帷幕对渗滤液的抗渗性能。对浆液配比、渗滤液浓度、pH值等对粘土固化浆液结石体渗透性能的影响进行了室内试验,首次给出了结石体渗透系数与粘土加量和水泥加量之间的函数关系式,研究了帷幕对不同污染物(重金属离子、有机物)的抗渗效果和阻滞特征,并分析了其渗透性能变化的微观作用机理。 (2)粘土固化注浆帷幕对污染物的吸附性能和机理。本文首次将吸附性能引入防渗帷幕的功能作用,通过大量的吸附平衡试验分析了浆液配比、地下水环境(温度、pH值、盐度等)和用量对帷幕吸附污染物性能的影响,研究了帷幕对污染物的吸附规律和去除特征,结果表明粘土固化注浆帷幕对污染物的吸附符合Freulldlich吸附模式,为建立粘土固化注浆帷幕、充分发挥其吸附性能提供了理论基础。 (3)污染物在粘土固化注浆帷幕中的迁移转化机理,以及不同污染物在帷幕中的迁移特征。污染物在帷幕及地下水环境中的迁移、吸附与交换以及转化过程中,将发生物理、化学和生物变化,从而使渗滤液得到进一步净化。此外,研究了不同污染物在帷幕中的迁移速度、浓度分布和赋存状态等迁移特征,揭示了帷幕对污染物的阻滞规律。 (4)污染物在粘土固化注浆帷幕中运移的水动力数学模型,并进行模拟计算。概括了渗滤液及污染物在帷幕(土壤)及地下水中运移的基本方程式,对地下水渗流的连续性方程进行了详细推导,首次推求了基于时间变化的渗透系数的渗滤液流动微分方程,讨论了其定解条件和数值解法。在试验成果的基础上,建立了污染物在粘土固化注浆帷幕中的水质方程和水流方程,采用ADI法进行差分求解并编写了相应的计算机程序,讨论了相应参数值的确定,对渗滤液的渗流运动和污染物的迁移转化进行了数值模拟计算,揭示了帷幕对污染物的阻滞规律,完整系统地研究了渗漏量和污染物迁移转化基本参数的影响效果。 (s)粘土固化注浆帷幕应用于填埋场防渗工程中的长期环境效应。首次系统地从试验和模型两个方面研究了粘土固化注浆帷幕对渗滤液及污染物的控制作用,从防渗作用和净化作用两个方面研究了帷幕对渗滤液及污染物控制的长期环境效应,并分析了帷幕的抗酸稳定性和高耐腐蚀性。 (6)粘土固化注浆帷幕在填埋场防渗工程中的应用情况。首次将这种垂直防渗体系引入填埋场工程,取得了良好的经济效益和社会环境效应。实践证明,在这种特殊的构筑物中建立垂直防渗体系,是行之有效的,其防渗效果能够满足填埋场设计的防渗要求。
To prevent seepage of leachate from landfill into environment is one of the most important problems for municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill. Based on the engineering practice and a series of methods including theoretical analysis, laboratory tests, site observation and numerical simulation, the retention mechanism and anti-seepaging capability of clay-solidified grouting curtain (CSGC) to leachate are systematically researched and the environmental effects of CSGC applied in MSW landfill is completely evaluated. The main research contents and results in mis paper are summarized as following:1.Permeability of clay-solidified grouting curtain to leachate. The influence of components and their ratio of grouts, concentration and pH of leachate on permeability are studied with laboratory experiment, and the functional formula of hydraulic conductivity and content of clay and cement is brought up. Then the effects and the characters of CSGC anti-seepage to contaminant such as heavy metals and organic matter are studied.2. Adsorption mechanism and property of clay-solidified grouting curtain to contaminant. In this paper, adsorption is firstly described as a function of CSGC, and the effects of component and their ratio of grouts, leachate environment such as temperature, pH and salinity on adsorption are studied with equilibrium experiment. The evidence shows that the adsorption mechanism of CSGC to contaminant conforming to Freundlich Adsorption Model. It provides the theory for establishing CSGC and utilizing adsorption mechanism.3. Transportation and transformation mechanism of contaminates in clay-solidified grouting curtain and contaminates’ transportation features in CSGC. Contaminates in the process of transporting in CSGC and groundwater, of adsorbing, of exchanging, and of transforming willtake place physical, chemical and biological reaction, which makes leachate purified further. Moreover, the features of contaminates’ transporting speed, concentration distribution, and contaminates existing form in CSGC are studied.4. Mathematical models and their solutions for hydrodynamic transport of contaminant in clay-solidified grouting curtain. The base formula of transportation that of leachate and contaminant in CSGC and the formula of ground water seepage are put forward. The leachate transport equation with time-varying hydraulic coefficient is established and its mathematical solution is obtained and programmed by finite difference ADI method. By means of mathematical simulation based on the laboratory experiments, the assessment of anti-seepaging and retention effect of leachate seepage and basic parameters describing contaminant transportation and transformation are carried out.5. Longtime environmental effects of clay-solidified grouting curtain applied in MSW landfill. The longtime environmental effects of CSGC controlling leachate anti-seepaging and contaminant are probed systematically at the first time in two aspects of anti-seepaging and purifying, and the durability of CSGC is also studied with experiment in the paper.6. Application of clay-solidified grouting curtain on anti-seepaging engineering in MSW landfill. It has brought great social, economic and environmental benefits in the construction of MSW landfills in Nanchang and Changsha. The application shows that CSGC can meet the design requirement and the sohe poisonous substances well.



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实际工程中运用的全部连接都处在完全刚性和理想铰接两种情况之间,端板连接更是典型的半刚性连接。但由于缺乏计算理论和方法,我国目前都是将端板连接按刚性节点进行设计,与实际情况相差很大,对结构抗震也非常不利。关于端板连接的静力特性,国外已有较多研究,关于其滞回特性和抗震性能,国外研究并不多,而且国外通常采用的具体节点形式和构造与国内也有一定差别;国内在这方面的研究还处于起步阶段。本文的主要研究内容包括: (1) 进行了8 个梁柱端板连接的单向加载静力试验,创新性地测量了螺栓受力特性,研究了节点类型、端板厚度、螺栓直径、端板加劲肋、柱腹板加劲肋等因素对端板连接受力性能的影响。(2) 运用ANSYS 对静力试验试件进行了有限元计算,验证了有限元方法分析端板连接的可靠性,获取了很多试验中难以测量得到的结果。(3) 进行了8 个试件的循环荷载试验,研究了各种因素对节点滞回特性、延性和抗震性能的影响。(4) 针对半刚性端板连接的全过程受力特性,提出了理论分析模型,能够很好地计算端板连接的整体和细部受力特性,包括节点承载力、初始转动刚度、弯矩-转角(M-φ)曲线、节点域受力全过程等。(5) 在总结静力试验和循环荷载试验研究结果、有限元和理论分析成果的基础上,并结合国内外相关研究成果及规范,针对半刚性端板连接提出了系统的静力设计和抗震设计方法,主要包括:标准构造、静力承载力设计方法、弯矩—转角(M-φ)曲线的简化形式及计算方法、抗震承载力验算、延性设计、M-φ滞回曲线模型及计算方法。为我国钢结构设计规范关于半刚性端板连接的具体设计计算方法提供了有益补充。(6) 结合试件的安装,对端板连接中高强度螺栓的施拧顺序和预拉应变松弛进行了研究。


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