在HEC-RAS编辑横断数据中,菜单中有一个命令是"add a lid to XS",在使用说明中是这样解释的:
Add a Lid to XS. This option allows the user to add a lid (similar to a bridge
deck/roadway) to any cross section. This is commonly used when trying to
model a long tunnel. The ground geometry can be used to describe the
bottom half of the tunnel, while the lid can describe the top half. A lid can be
added to any number of cross sections in a row. The program treats cross
sections with lids just like any other cross section. The energy equation is
used to balance a water surface, with the assumption of open channel flow.
The only difference is that the program will subtract out area and add wetted
perimeter when the water surface comes into contact with the lid.
第二个:Sloping Bridge Abutments是啥意思?
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只看楼主 我来说两句 抢板凳