The Bungalow house plan是一种纯美国别墅风格,但这个名字来自于印第安人。在孟加拉州,小别墅被称为“bangla”或者“bangala”。这种风格的别墅由一些经典的元素构成,像低矮的屋顶、暴露的梁、石头或者粉刷的线脚,在20世纪的前20年里,这种风格在全美流行了起来。
The Bungalow house plan风格的别墅用一个开敞的前门廊和大量的窗户引导您到开阔舒适的一层半空间。The Bungalow house plan风格的别墅以一个生活中心来组织建筑空间,厨房餐厅卫生间和卧室都围绕这个生活中心展开,有机的组合在一起。
The Bungalow house plan is an all American architectural style, but the name has its roots in India. In the province of Bengal, single-family homes were called bangla or bangala. With typical features like low-pitched shingled roofs, exposed beams and wood, stone and/or stucco siding, the informal style of a Bungalow home became a very popular choice in all regions of the United States during the 1910s and 1920s. Welcoming front porches and lots of windows invite you into open, yet cozy one to one-and-a-half story floor plans. Bungalow floor plans usually cluster the kitchen, dining area, bedrooms, and bathroom around a central living area.

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