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哪位大哥帮忙翻译一下 谢谢了(门式钢架)

发布于:2006-02-21 21:41:21 来自:人才招聘/学生专栏 [复制转发]
The input window consists of Configuration panel, Flange &
Web panel, Stiffeners panel, and Welds Panel. The user can enter the
corresponding input for the design of plate girders in those panels.
Span length, lateral supports (similar to applet for design of
beams described in Sec. 5.11), and distributed and concentrated loads are
set in the configuration panel (Fig. 9.29). The loading on the girder may
consist of a uniformly distributed load plus a specified number of
concentrated loads. The concentrated loads are named alphabetically
from left. Alphabets “A” and “B” are reserved for the left and right
supports, respectively. The girder may have either full lateral support or
intermediate lateral supports.
Width, thickness, and steel type of flange plates and thickness
and steel type of the web plate are set in the flange & web panel (9.30a).
To begin the design of a plate girder the user needs to specify the steel
types of flange and web plates only. The applet displays the first design
results as shown in Fig. 9.30b. Like other applets presented in the
previous chapters, this applet requires minimum amount of design entry
to perform a design. However, the user can perform redesigns repeatedly
simply by changing only one or several of the input values.
To design a hybrid girder, the user needs to select the steel types
of flange plates and web plate properly. For impractical values, for
example, if the user selects a steel type for flange plates with lower
strength than that of the web, the applet warns the user with a pop-up
message 帮忙~谢谢

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只看楼主 我来说两句
  • zm6487
    zm6487 沙发
    The input window consists of Configuration panel, Flange & Web panel,
    Stiffeners panel, and Welds Panel. The user can enter the corresponding
    input for the design of plate girders in those panels. Span length, lateral
    supports (similar to applet for design of beams described in Sec. 5.11),
    and distributed and concentrated loads are set in the configuration panel
    (Fig. 9.29). The loading on the girder may consist of a uniformly
    distributed load plus a specified number of concentrated loads. The
    concentrated loads are named alphabetically from left. Alphabets “A”
    and “B” are reserved for the left and right supports, respectively. The
    girder may have either full lateral support or
    intermediate lateral supports. Width, thickness, and steel type of flange
    侧向间断支固. 腹板和翼缘板的板材厚度及种类
    plates and thickness and steel type of the web plate are set in the flange
    & web panel (9.30a). To begin the design of a plate girder the user needs
    to specify the steel types of flange and web plates only. The applet

    displays the first design results as shown in Fig. 9.30b. Like other applets
    本应用程序的第一部分计算结果如图9.30 b所示。
    presented in the previous chapters, this applet requires minimum amount
    of design entry
    to perform a design. However, the user can perform redesigns repeatedly
    simply by changing only one or several of the input values. To design a

    hybrid girder, the user needs to select the steel types of flange plates and
    web plate properly. For impractical values, for example, if the user selects
    2006-04-29 12:42:29

    回复 举报
  • andyhewitt
    andyhewitt 板凳
    2006-04-27 17:59:27

    回复 举报



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我好困难啊!老师让用粉笔搞个点的立体构造 我都感觉自己想的太素。谁有好点子帮帮忙了!感谢!


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