请大家给点意见沥青混凝土路面早期病害成因分析与对策( 作者;陈 彦 兰州 730000 )[摘要]:目前,我国沥青混凝土路面最常见的早期病害现象有:裂缝、水破坏、松散、泛油、推移等,这些病害基本上也是公路工程质量的通病,对新建公路的正常使用形成了严重的威胁,对公路维护提出了更严峻的挑战。本文就以上几种常见病害的成因进行分析并结合实际提出相应的预防措施。[The summary]:At present, the most common early endangers on asphalt slab in our country are: split water-destroying loose process and so on. These endangers also are the common diseases of the quality of road engineering, and form serious threat on the use of new constructed road. The text will analyze the cause of these endangers and give some relevant precautions according to the fact.
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只看楼主 我来说两句同感!!
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