SEEP/W is a general seepage analysis program that models both saturated and unsaturated flow. The ability to model unsaturated flow allows SEEP/W to handle a wider range of real problems than many other seepage software products.
The inclusion of unsaturated flow in groundwater modelling is important for obtaining physically realistic analysis results. In soils, the hydraulic conductivity and the water content, or water stored, changes as a function of pore-water pressure. SEEP/W models these relationships as continuous functions. Most other seepage analysis software packages do not take these relationships into account. Instead they use the physically unrealistic assumption that these functions are step-functions. For example, at pore-water pressures of zero and greater, (i.e. below the water table), there is a saturated conductivity value; at pore-water pressures less than zero, (i.e. above the water table), the hydraulic conductivity is zero. The use of such unrealistic step functions to model soil hydraulic conductivity and water content can lead to erroneous analysis results.
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