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发布于:2005-10-21 19:46:21 来自:注册考试/注册土木工程师 [复制转发]
Farewell, Love

Sir Thomas Wyatt (1503~1542)

Farwell, Love, and all thy laws forever,
Thy baited hooks shall tangle me no more;
Senec and Plato call me from thy lore,
To perfect wealth my wit for to endeavor,
In blind error then I did persever,
Thy sharp repulse, that prickth aye so sore,
Hath taought me to set in trifles no store
And’ scape forth since liberty is lever
Therefore farewell, go trouble younger hearts,
And in me claim no more authority
With idle youth go use thy property,
And therein spend thy many brittle darts,
For hitherto though I have lost all my time,
Me lusteth no longer rotten boughs to climb.


1.thy: your “Thy” and “thine” are both old uses. Thy are the possessive forms of “thou” and “thee”. The reflexive form of “thy” is “thyself”.

2.thy baited hooks shall tangle me no more: 此处“baited hooks” 是比喻,诗人把爱情比作放上诱饵的钩,人一量上钩便被缠住难以脱身(tangle).

3.Senec and plato call me from thy lore, To perfect wealth my wit for to endeavor: I.e. “senec” (Seneca, the Roman moral philosopher and tragedian) and plato call me to educate my mind to perfect well-being (wealth) 塞尼卡和柏拉图教我教育自己的心灵,使自己的身心臻于完美

4.I blind…lever: when I did preserver in blind error, thy sharp repuls, that pricketh aye so sore, hath taugnt me to set no store in trifles and escape forth since liberty is lever: 当我盲目地一错再错,你尖刻的拒绝,总是深深地刺痛我的心教训我不要再为这无聊的琐碎小事伤心,而是从中挣脱出来,因为更可贵。Persever: persevere; pricketh: pricks; aye: always (old use); lever: more pleasing

5.And therein spend thy many brittle darts: 让你那尖刻的伤害在年轻人那里显身手吧

6.Me lusteth no longer rotten boughs to climb: I care no longer to climb rotten boughs. Me lusteth: I care to climb rotten boughs: 攀登已腐烂的树枝,此处诗人把追求爱情比喻为攀登已腐烂的树枝,含义是:它浪费时间,且徒劳无功。

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  • sihai123
    sihai123 沙发
    2007-02-04 15:12:04

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  • susanshl
    susanshl 板凳
    2006-11-30 13:16:30

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Pain past is pleasure.过去的痛苦即快乐。All things are difficult before they are easy.凡事必先难后易。Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.心之所愿,无事不成。Where there is life, there is hope.有生命必有希望。I feel strongly that I can make it.


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