1 童时中等.火电厂控制室人机系统状况调查.水利电力劳 动保护,1994(2)
2 李志光等.青山热电厂锅炉控制室安全运行故障的人机 学研究.安全,1991(4)
3 EPRICS-3745,1984年 Enhancing fossil power plant design, operation, and maintenance:Human factors guidelines,
4 EPRI NP-4350,1985年 Human Engineering design guidelines for maintainability
5 ANSI/HFS 100-1988 American National Standard for human factors engineering of visual display terminal workstations.
6 ISO 11064 (1994-) Ergonomic design of control centres (part 6-8)
7 ISO 9241 (1992-) Ergonomic requirements for office coork with visual display terminals (VDTs) (part 1-17)
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只看楼主 我来说两句 抢板凳参考文献
1 童时中等.火电厂控制室人机系统状况调查.水利电力劳 动保护,1994(2)
2 李志光等.青山热电厂锅炉控制室安全运行故障的人机 学研究.安全,1991(4)
3 EPRICS-3745,1984年 Enhancing fossil power plant design, operation, and maintenance:Human factors guidelines,
4 EPRI NP-4350,1985年 Human Engineering design guidelines for maintainability
5 ANSI/HFS 100-1988 American National Standard for human factors engineering of visual display terminal workstations.
6 ISO 11064 (1994-) Ergonomic design of control centres (part 6-8)
7 ISO 9241 (1992-) Ergonomic requirements for office coork with visual display terminals (VDTs) (part 1-17)
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