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LIBRARY (英汉对照)专业术语库

发布于:2005-07-26 09:43:26 来自:注册考试/注册给排水工程师 [复制转发]
AC Alternating Current (AC) is electric current that alternates between a positive maximum value and a negative maximum value at a characteristic frequency, usually 50 or 60 cycles per second (Hertz).
交流 交流是指电流在正负最大值之间以特定的频率变动,通常频率为50或60赫兹。

ANSI American National Standards Institute.
美国国家标准协会 美国国家标准协会

Acoustic Material Acoustic material is any material considered in terms of its acoustic properties, especially its properties of absorbing or deadening sound.
声音材料 声音材料,特指有吸音或隔音特性的材料。

Active Power Active power is the real power (kW) supplied by the generator set to the electrical load. Active power creates a load on the generator set’s engine and is limited by the horsepower of the engine. Active power does the work of heating, turning motor shafts, etc.
有功功率 有功功率(kW),是指发电机组实际供应给负载的功率,它由发电机组的发动机提供,受到发动机马力大小的限制。发热和驱动马达转动靠有功功率完成。

Air Circuit Breaker An air circuit breaker automatically interrupts the current flowing through it when the current exceeds the trip rating of the breaker. Air is the medium of electrical insulation between electrically live parts and grounded (earthed) metal parts.
空气线路断路器 空气线路断路器的功能是当电流大小超过断路器的过流跳脱设定值后自动断开。空气是带电零件和接地金属零件之间的绝缘介质。

Alternator Alternator is another term for AC generator.
交流发电机 交流发电机

Amortisseur Windings The amortisseur windings of a synchronous AC generator are the conductors embedded in the pole faces of the rotor. They are connected together at both ends of the poles by end rings or end plates. Their function is to dampen waveform distortion during load changes.
阻尼线圈 同步交流发电机的阻尼线圈是指嵌绕在转子磁极间的导线,他们分别在两极用端环或端板相连接,主要功能是减弱因负载变化而引起的波形畸变。

Ampacity Ampacity is the safe current-carrying capacity of an electrical conductor in amperes as defined by code.
载流容量 载流容量是以安培数来定义导线安全载流能力。

Ampere The ampere is a unit of electric current flow. One ampere of current will flow when a potential of one volt is applied across a resistance of one ohm.
安培 安培是电流单位。1伏电压作用于1欧姆的电阻上就会产生1安培的电流。

Annunciator An annunciator is an accessory device used to give remote indication of the status of an operating component in a system. Annunciators are typically used in applications where the equipment monitored is not located in a portion of the facility that is normally attended. The NFPA has specific requirements for remote annunciators used in some applications, such as hospitals.
指示器 指示器作为一个附属装置常用于远程显示系统的各个组成部分的运行状态。指示器通常使用在监测设备不在设备现场的应用。美国国家防火协会对指示器在某些行业的应用有特殊要求,例如医院等。

Apparent Power Apparent power is the product of current and voltage, expressed as kVA. It is real power (kW) divided by the power factor (PF).
视在功率 视在功率是电流和电压共同作用的产物,用kVA表示。它等于有功功率(kW)除以功率因数。

Armature The armature of an AC generator is the assembly of windings and metal core laminations in which the output voltage is induced. It is the stationary part (stator) in a revolving-field generator.
电枢 交流发电机电枢的是金属芯和绕组的总成,产生感应电压。电枢是旋转磁场交流发电机的不动部分(定子)。

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只看楼主 我来说两句
  • eric_ly
    eric_ly 沙发
    2009-05-27 15:03:27

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  • evenlx
    evenlx 板凳
    好东西:lol :lol
    2009-05-25 05:31:25

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一台P(额)=10KW, U(额)=380V, I(额)=20A , n(额)=1450r/min, 三角形联结的三相笼形异步电动机,由手册查得:I(起动)/I(额)=7, T(起动转矩)/T(额)=1.4, 拟半载起动,电源容量为200KVA,试选择适当的起动方法,并求此时的起动转矩和起动电流.


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