土木在线论坛 \ 建筑结构 \ 结构资料库 \ The Along-Wind Response of Line-Like Structures (after Davenport

The Along-Wind Response of Line-Like Structures (after Davenport

发布于:2009-12-28 23:44:28 来自:建筑结构/结构资料库 [复制转发]
We have examined the response of small, point-like structures to wind. These
structures are those that are sufficiently small, so that the bulk of the energy of the
turbulence of gusting is at wavelengths much greater than the typical dimension of
the structure. A line-like structure, on the other hand is one where that has
significant dimension transverse to the wind, however remains small in the sense
that the smallest wavelengths likely to be of significance must be large compared to
the breadth of the structure. The approach is applicable to slender towers,
transmission lines and some long span bridges




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Distributed Random Loading Due to Wind

Multiple Discrete LoadsConsider a randomly varying quantity


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