土木在线论坛 \ 园林景观 \ 景观规划设计 \ 红丝带-唐河河公园


发布于:2009-12-01 13:36:01 来自:园林景观/景观规划设计 [复制转发]

The Red Ribbon - Tanghe River Park , Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province, China 红丝带-唐河河公园,秦皇岛市,河北省,中国
Turenscape (Beijing Turen Design Institute) and Peking University Graduate School of Landscape Architecture, Beijing, China turenscape (北京turen设计研究院)和北京大学研究生院的园林建筑,北京,中国
client Yang Lina, The Landscape Bureau, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province, China客户:杨丽娜,景观局,秦皇岛市,河北省,中国

A celebration integrating artistic elements into a natural landscape in an ingenious way. Very dramatic, yet highly functional. It's transformative and curative. “庆祝整合艺术元素成为一个自然景观,在一巧妙的方式。非常引人注目,但高功能,它的转型和治疗” 。

— 2007 Professional Awards Jury Comments -2 007年专业奖项评审团的意见

Project Statement 项目的声明

The Minimum Intervention Approach to Urban Greenway 最低干预的做法,城市绿色通道
Against a background of natural terrain and vegetation, is a “red ribbon” spanning five hundred meters, which integrates the functions of lighting, seating, environmental interpretation, and orientation.反对的背景下自然地形和植被,是一个“红丝带”跨越500米,整合的功能照明,座位,环境的解释,和方向。 While preserving as much of the natural river corridor as possible during the process of urbanization, this project demonstrates how a minimal design solution can achieve a dramatic improvement to the landscape.同时保留作为大部分的天然河道走廊尽可能城镇化过程中,这个项目演示了如何最低限度的设计解决方案可以达到显着改善景观。

Project Narrative 项目的叙事

1. 1 。 Site Conditions and Challenges 立地条件和挑战
The project was located on the Tanghe River, at the east urban fringe of Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province, China.该项目坐落于汤河河道,在东市区边缘的秦皇岛市,河北省,中国。 The site is a linear river corridor, with a total area of about 20 hectares.该网站是一个线性河走廊,总面积约20公顷。

The following site conditions offered both opportunities as well as challenges for the design of this site下列网站所提供的条件,既是机遇,也是挑战,为设计这个网站:
(1) Good Ecological Condition The site was covered with lush and diverse native vegetation that provides diverse habitats for various species. ( 1 )良好的生态条件:本网站所涵盖的是与郁郁葱葱的和多元化的本土植被,提供多样的栖息地不同品种。

(2) Unkempt and Deserted Located at the edge of a beach city, the site was a garbage dumping site with deserted slums and irrigation facilities such as ditches and water towers that were built for farming years ago. ( 2 ) unkempt和被遗弃的:位于边缘的海滩上的城市,该网站是一个垃圾倾倒场地与被遗弃的贫民窟和灌溉设施,如沟渠和水塔被建成为农业年前。

(3)Potential safety and accessibility problems distributed with lush shrubs and “messy” grasses, the site was virtually inaccessible and insecure for people to use. ( 3 )潜在的安全和方便的问题:分布式与郁郁葱葱的灌木和“一塌糊涂”草,该网站几乎是无法和不安全感的人使用。

(4) Use Demands Along with the urban sprawl process, the site was sought after for recreational uses such as fishing, swimming, and jogging by the people who came to reside in the newly developed communities nearby. ( 4 )使用要求:随着市区范围的扩张过程中,网站要求后,作康乐用途,如钓鱼,游泳,慢跑,是由人民谁来到居住在新开发的社区附近。

(5) Development Pressure The lower reaches of this river have already been channeled, and this process was likely to happen again at the site, meaning the natural river corridor was likely to be replaced with hard pavement and ornamental flower beds unless the new red ribbon design was implemented. ( 5 )发展的压力:下游河道,这已渠道,在这个过程中很可能再次出现在现场,即天然河道走廊很可能会取代硬路面和观赏花坛,除非新红丝带的设计实施。

2. 2 。 Design objectives 设计目标
The major design challenge was how to preserve the natural habitats along the river while creating the new urban uses of recreation and education.主要设计挑战是如何维护自然栖息地沿江而创造新的城市利用康乐及教育。 The solution is the “red ribbon.”解决的办法是“红丝带” 。

3. 3 。 Design solution 设计解决方案
A “red ribbon” was designed against the background of green vegetation and blue water. “红丝带”的设计背景下对绿色植被和蓝水。 This ribbon stretches for 500 meters along the riverbank, integrating a boardwalk, lighting, seating, environmental interpretation, and environmental orientation.这丝带延伸500米,沿河岸,集成了浮桥,灯光,座位,环境的解释,和环境的方向。 It is made of fiber steel, and lit from inside so that it glows red at night.它是由钢纤维,点燃了从内,以便它的红色指示灯在夜间进行。 It stands 60 cm high, and its width varies from 30-150 cm.它站在60厘米高,其宽度不同,从30-150厘米。 Various plant specimens are grown in strategically placed holes in the ribbon.各种植物标本生长在战略地位的洞穴剪彩。

Four pavilions in the shape of clouds are distributed along the ribbon, which provide protection from the weather, meeting opportunities, and visual focal points.四亭在形状的云彩的分布沿丝带,提供保护,从天气,会议的机会,和视觉的重点。 Four perennial flower gardens of white, yellow, purple, and blue, act as patchwork on the former open fields, and turn the deserted garbage dumps and slum sites into attractions. 4多年生花卉的花园,白色,黄色,紫色和蓝色,作为修修补补,对前开放的领域,把被遗弃的垃圾堆放场和贫民窟的网站到景点。

The bright red color of the ribbon lights up this densely vegetated site, links the diverse natural vegetation types and the four added flower gardens, and provides a structural instrument that reorganizes the former unkempt and inaccessible site.鲜红的颜色的丝带亮灯,这密集的植物网站,连结不同的自然植被类型和四个补充,花卉园林,并提供一个结构性的文书,重组前unkempt和难以进入的网站。 The natural site has been dramatically urbanized and modernized, two attributes that are highly sought after by the local residents while keeping the ecological processes and natural services of the site intact.自然网站已被显着城市化和现代化,两个属性是高度要求后,由当地居民的同时,保持生态过程和自然的服务,网站完好无损。

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    wangchunjian 沙发
    2010-10-21 13:09:21

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    hz499348713 板凳
    2010-06-23 10:45:23

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