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发布于:2009-08-04 23:21:04 来自:暖通空调/暖通资料库 [复制转发]
1.C. C.Wang,K.Y. Chi,C. J. Chang. Heat transfer and friction characteristics of plain fin - and - tube heat exchangers,Part II:Correlation. Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer,2000,43(15):2693 ~ 2700.

2.C. C.Wang,K.Y. Chi. Heat transfer and friction characteristics of plain fin - and - tube heat exchangers,part I:new experiment data,Int J of Heat and Mass Transfer,2000,43(15):2681 ~ 2691.

3.R. L.Webb,P. E. Airside heat transfer correlations for flat and wavy plate fin - and - tube geometries,ASHRAE Trans,1990,14(2):445 ~ 449.

4.C. C.Wang,W. L. Fu,C. T. Chang. Heat transfer and friction characteristics of typical wavy fin - and - tube heat exchangers,Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science,1997,14(2):174 ~186.

5.C. C.Wang,J.Y. Jang,N. F. Chiou. A heat transfer and friction correlation for wavy fin - and - tube heat exchangers,Int.J.Heat and Mass Transfer,1999,42(10):1919 ~ 1924.

6.C. C. Wang,W. S. Lee,W. J. Shen. A comparative study of compact enhanced fin - and - tube heat exchangers,Int J of Heat and Mass Transfer,2001,44(18):3565 ~ 3573.

7. C. C.Wang,W. H. Tao,C. J. Chang. An investigation of the airside performance of the slit fin - and - tube heat exchangers,Int. J. of Refrig. 1999,22(18):595 ~ 603.

13 C. C.Wang,C. J. Lee,C. T. Chang,Y. J. Chang. Some aspects of plate fin - and - tube Heat Exchangers:with and without louvers,Enhanced heat transfer,1999,6:357 ~ 368.

8. C. C. Wang,Ralph. L. Webb,Kuan. Yu. Chi. Data reduction for air - side performance of fin - and - tube heat exchangers,Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science,2000,21(4):218 ~226.



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