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最新英国建筑物消防安全标准 BS 9999:2008

发布于:2009-06-01 13:21:01 来自:给排水工程/给排水资料库 [复制转发]
最新英国建筑物消防安全标准 BS 9999:2008
Code of practice for fire safety in the design, management and use of buildings

Publisher: BSI
ISBN: 978 0 580 57920 2
ICS: 13.220.01
Publication history: First published October 2008
Pages: 459

英国标准协会(BSI)新近发布了BS 9999的标准,这项新的标准为建筑物消防安全达到品质验收标准的设计、管理和使用提供了指南。BS9999适用于新建建筑物和已有建筑物的改动、增加和用途改变。另外,该项标准也为建筑物消防安全管理提供了指导,而消防安全是贯穿整个建筑物生命周期的全程要求。

After 10 years in development, BSI British Standards has published BS 9999:2008 Code of practice for fire safety in the design, management and use of buildings.
BS 9999 gives recommendations and guidance on the design, management and use of buildings to achieve acceptable levels of fire safety for all people in and around buildings.
BS 9999 is applicable to the design of new buildings, and to alterations, extensions and changes of use of an existing building, with the exception of individual homes and with limited applicability in the case of certain specialist buildings. It also provides guidance on the ongoing management of fire safety in a building throughout the entire life cycle of the building, including guidance for designers to ensure that the overall design of a building assists and enhances the management of fire safety. It can be used as a tool for assessing existing buildings, although fundamental change in line with the guidelines might well be limited or not practicable.
BS 9999 contributes to the protection of people in buildings by:

Working to prevent fires occurring in the first place
Being aware of the types of people in the building and any special risks or needs (such as disabled people, see BS 8300 Design of buildings and their approaches to meet the needs of disabled people. Code of practice)
Ensuring that all of the fire safety measures in the building are kept in working order, and in particular that the means of escape are always available
Training staff and organizing the evacuation plan, to ensure that occupants leave quickly if a fire occurs
Taking command in the event of a fire until the fire and rescue service arrives.
The standard builds on government guidance to legislative requirements, providing an advanced approach to fire safety in the design, management and use of buildings. It promotes a more flexible approach to fire safety design through use of structured risk-based design where designers can take account of varying human factors. The guidance on means of escape for disabled people (in respect of both design and management) is greatly expanded within BS 9999 from that in DD 9999 to reflect the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act and the principles of inclusive design.
Who should use BS 9999?
Facilities/building managers
Fire and rescue service
Building control officers
Fire safety engineers
Fire risk consultants
NRAC and other qualified access consultants.
BS 9999 will supersede DD 9999, and the entire BS 5588 series (with the exception of BS 5588-1), which will be withdrawn on 6 April 2009.


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